The Parañaque Filipino-Chinese Fire Volunteer Association (PFCFVA), in collaboration with St. Florian Rescue Academy, held a series of critical emergency response training aimed at...
The Tzu Chi Foundation Philippines celebrated its 30th anniversary with a three-day Diligence Camp and a one-day special event at the Buddhist Tzu Chi...
The Chinese Filipino Business Club Inc. (CFBCI) and Universidad de Manila (UDM) signed a memorandum of agreement (MOA) at UDM’s Accreditation Room in Ermita,...
The Filipino-Chinese Friendship Association Inc., led by chairman Danny Sy and publicity director Sabrina Salazar, held a charity event in Concepcion, Tarlac on Nov....
Dr. Cecilio Pedro, president of the Federation of Filipino Chinese Chambers of Commerce and Industry Inc. (FFCCCII), lauded the signing of the Corporate Recovery and...
The Federation of Filipino Chinese Chambers of Commerce and Industry Inc. (FFCCCII), led by president Dr. Cecilio Pedro, donated half million pesos to the Association of...
The 9th FFCAAI Cup Golf Tournament, organized by the Federation of Filipino Chinese Alumni Associations Inc. (FFCAAI), kicked off at The Riviera Golf & Country Club...
The Manila Chinatown Charity Foundation celebrated its 38th anniversary on Nov. 9, 2024 at the Century Seafood Restaurant in Manila.
The event also featured the...