WE ADD our voice to the call of the Philippine Coast Guard on the international community to take a stand against China’s escalating maritime aggression in the West Philippine Sea.
Last weekend, China’s 12,000-ton vessel, code-named The Monster – which replaced another vessel previously confronted by the Philippines’ BRP Teresa Magbanua – was back in Luzon waters in a show of force.
The Monster’ was spotted 97 nautical miles off the...
WE ADD our voice to the call of the Philippine Coast Guard on the international community to take a stand against China’s escalating maritime aggression in the West Philippine Sea.
Last weekend, China’s 12,000-ton vessel, code-named The Monster – which replaced another vessel previously confronted by the Philippines’ BRP Teresa Magbanua – was back in Luzon waters in a show of force.
The Monster’ was spotted 97 nautical miles off the...
PREPARATIONS begin today at the bayside Quirino Grandstand in Manila’s Rizal Park for the Feast of Jesus Nazareno, with the “pahalik” tradition leading to...