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Friday, January 3, 2025

Solons ask ERC to hasten probe on 7 PSAs

Now that the composition of the Energy Regulatory Commission is almost complete, two militant legislators asked the agency to speed up the investigation of at least seven power supply agreements (PSA), that may cost consumers P930 billion more in 20 years, that has been pending before the body for nearly three years now.

Oppositionists and Party-List Reps. Tom Villarin of Akbayan and Rep. Carlos Zarate of Bayan Muna made the call in reaction to reports that the ERC leadership is on its way to being complete again following the resignation and retirement of three of its five top officials last year.

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“The newly-constituted ERC with full membership should go full throttle on investigating all deals that is not to the best interest of consumers,” Villarin said.

“As a regulatory body, it [ERC] should be independent and critical of all applicants for energy power generation supply and distribution [that] would tend to create monopolies and control of the market,” added Villarin.

Zarate said, “I think what is left now is to submit these seven power supply agreements to a competitive selection process (CSP).” A CSP basically refers to a bidding process, which the PSAs in question allegedly did not undergo. Zarate initiated a House investigation on the power deals in 2017 due to an experts’ finding that consumers would shoulder P930 billion in additional power rate expenses within the 20-to-21-year duration of the PSAs should the ERC approve them.”

Since July 2018, three commissioners—Alfredo Non, Gloria Victoria Yap-Taruc, and Geronimo Sta. Ana left the ERC. Non and Yap-Taruc retired, while Sta. Ana resigned for health reasons.

Among the reasons cited by ERC chairman Agnes Devanadera for the body’s delay in resolving the seven questioned PSAs back then were the lack of quorum among commissioners.

President Rodrigo Duterte has since appointed Commissioners Catherine Maceda and lawyer Alexis Lumabatan to replace Non and Yap-Taruc, respectively. 

Last week, a report said that Paul Christian Cervantes, a certified public accuntant-lawyer, was a shoo-in for the post vacated by Sta. Ana, and that his appointment papers were expected to be released shortly.

The appointment of the two completes a quorum at ERC since there is one sitting commissioner, Josefina Patricia Asirit, and Devanadera.

Zarate advised the commissioners to look into the findings of a House investigation on the supposed “sweetheart” power deals, which was concluded last year.


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