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Sunday, September 8, 2024

A Gentle Farewell for Beloved Pets

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Parting with a beloved pet is a deeply emotional experience, one that fills every pet owner with a sense of sadness. These faithful companions offer constant affection and camaraderie over the course of their lives, evolving into cherished family members. When the time comes to say goodbye, it is only natural to seek a compassionate and eco-friendly way to honor their memory.

In recent years, a novel option known as “aquamation” has gained popularity as a gentle and sustainable alternative to traditional pet cremation.

Aquamation: A Brief Overview

Aquamation, also known as alkaline hydrolysis or water cremation, is a process that provides a dignified and environmentally friendly way to lay a beloved pet (or human) to rest. The method has its origins in the medical and biotech fields, where it was initially used for research and body disposal.

Over time, aquamation evolved into a compassionate choice for pet owners who seek an alternative to traditional pet cremation or burial.

The Process

Aquamation involves the gentle breakdown of a pet’s remains through a combination of water, heat, and alkaline chemicals. The process takes place in a specialized chamber that resembles a stainless-steel bath. The process is both respectful and thorough, ensuring that furry friends are treated with the utmost care.

Water and Alkaline Solution: The pet’s body is placed in the chamber along with a mixture of water and an alkaline solution. This combination is heated to around 160-180 degrees Fahrenheit, effectively accelerating the natural decomposition process.

This is the viewing room. (Photo from Getty royalty-free images.)

Hydrolysis Reaction: The heated alkaline solution initiates a chemical reaction called hydrolysis, which breaks down the pet’s organic materials into their basic components. Over a period of several hours, this process dissolves soft tissues, leaving only bone fragments behind.

Separation of Remains: After the completion of the aquamation process, the bone fragments are separated from the liquid solution. These remains are then dried, pulverized, and returned to the pet owner in an urn, much like the traditional cremation process.

Environmentally Friendly

One of the key benefits of aquamation is the fact that it is environment-friendly. It produces fewer greenhouse gas emissions than traditional cremation and does not require the energy-intensive high temperatures of cremation, making it a more sustainable option. A reference material from the Green Burial Council suggests that aquamation has a significantly smaller carbon footprint than other aftercare methods, making it a viable choice for pet owners concerned about their ecological impact.

Gentle on the Remains

Traditional cremation exposes pet remains to high temperatures, resulting in the loss of most organic matter and sometimes causing concerns about the dignity of the process. In contrast, aquamation is a gentle and respectful way to handle pet remains. The process minimizes the impact on the bones, preserving a greater portion of the pet’s remains and leaving behind a powdery, bone ash. This can be especially comforting to pet owners, as the remains of their beloved companions maintain a more recognizable form.

Pet owners who have opted for aquamation have often reported a sense of peace and closure that stems from knowing their pets were treated with respect and care in their final moments. This gentle approach allows pet owners to say their farewells in a more serene and comforting manner.

This is the chamber used for aquamation. (Photo from Getty royalty-free images.)

A Customizable Memorial

Many aquamation facilities offer various options for commemorating a pet’s memory. These include personalized urns, memorial jewelry, and even the incorporation of pet remains into keepsakes like glass ornaments or decorative stones. This customization provides pet owners with a range of meaningful ways to remember and honor their furry friends. An article from the International Association of Pet Cemeteries & Crematories highlights the importance of these memorial options in the grieving process, as they allow pet owners to create a lasting tribute to their pets.

Accessing Aquamation Services in the Philippines

For pet owners in the Philippines seeking the compassionate and eco-friendly option of aquamation for their beloved companions, there are several facilities that offer these services. Among them, the “Pet to Nature” center in Marikina stands out as a leading provider of aquamation services in the country. Located in a serene and peaceful environment, Pet to Nature is dedicated to providing a dignified and gentle farewell for your pets.

Aquamation offers a compassionate and sustainable alternative for pet owners facing the loss of their beloved companions. Its environmentally friendly nature, gentle treatment of remains, and the ability to customize memorials make it an increasingly attractive choice for those seeking a dignified farewell for their pets.

As the practice of aquamation continues to gain recognition, pet owners are finding solace in knowing that they can provide their furry friends with the same level of love and care in their final moments as they received throughout their lives.

About the Author: Mariana Burgos is a freelance artist. She has been a solo parent for 16 years now because she is wife to a desaparecido. She and her daughter are animal lovers and are active in advocating not only human rights but the rights of animals as well.


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