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Wednesday, September 18, 2024

A look behind the trophy for the 8th National Children’s Book Awards

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The recently concluded 8th National Children’s Book Awards (NCBA) celebrated exceptional authors and their published books for children and young adults. Winners were presented with a trophy designed by ceramic artist and illustrator Iori Espiritu, which carries significant symbolism about the values of the award-giving body.

The trophy features a blooming flower at its center, with a figure reading a book beside it and accompanied by a dog. According to the National Book Development Board (NBDB), the flower symbolizes literature’s nurturing quality that enriches readers’ lives. It represents how reading fosters the growth and blossoming of ideas and how a book can inspire the imagination.

The figure holding a book at the foot of the flower symbolizes youth engaged in reading, while the dog represents playfulness and curiosity.

“Its design honors the winners who serve as beacons of inspiration to fellow writers and illustrators, encouraging them to continue crafting and sharing stories that inspire and shape today’s youth,” the NBDB stated in its post about the trophy.

The NCBA is a biennial event that honors books published for children and young adults over the past two years.


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