In line with the Ghost Month observance, SM Cinemas launched a week-long horror film festival from Aug. 28 to Sept. 3. Titled “AuGhost Exclusives,” the event showcases a selection of Asian horror films, each making its Philippine cinema debut. Special ticket prices are set at 150 pesos.
The festival lineup features four films: Thailand’s Haunted Universities 3 and The Cursed Land, Taiwan’s Mystery Writers, and Cambodia’s Z-Mom. These films have gained significant attention in their home countries and are expected to appeal to Filipino horror enthusiasts.
Haunted Universities 3 is an anthology film centered around three campus-related horror stories, while The Cursed Land follows a widower and his daughter as they confront a djinn in their dilapidated home.
Mystery Writers draws inspiration from the 1984 Jin Xin Building fire in Taiwan, transforming the tragic event into a horror drama.
Z-Mom is set in a holiday resort where a mother fights to save her family from a zombie outbreak on the island.
Horror films, once considered B-movies, have become essential to the film industry’s resilience, particularly in Asia. “AuGhost Exclusives” offers audiences a unique opportunity to experience the latest in Asian horror cinema.