Kathryn Bernardo weighs in on the secret to her transformation

On July 9, at the Century Tuna Super Bods Finals Night at the Marriott Hotel Grand Ballroom, the country’s well-loved actress Kathryn Bernardo wowed the crowd and performed a sizzling dance number in her boots, crop top, and shorts.
Since her launch as the brand’s newest endorser earlier this year, people have observed not only her physical transformation (and sexier styling) but also her having more confidence in presenting and handling herself in public.
When asked by the event’s host Robi Domingo for tips and advice on how to transform to become the best version of yourself, Kathryn shared, “I think to be the best version of ourselves, it comes with growth. The campaign for Century Tuna, it’s so empowering to be a part of a movement like this. And for me, as long as you have awareness and you have the willingness to grow every day, I think that itself is being the best version of yourself. Also for me, I believe in the power of the one percent habit.”

The box-office queen and award-winning actress further explained the concept, “Every day, you try to be one percent better. [I learned that] From Atomic Habits. I just keep that in mind, every day, that you can’t do everything overnight. One percent progress. Little wins. Little progress.” Kathryn reminded, “Give yourself a few months, a few years, or maybe a year, and you’ll see a huge difference. You just have to keep in mind that it’s not going to happen overnight. Just baby steps.”
Miss Universe 2022 R’Bonney Gabriel, who was one of the event’s hosts, asked Kathryn to clarify. She said, ”I think it’s being patient and persistent, and not giving up, right?”
While confident in giving her answers, Kathryn remains humble. Asked if she’s already experiencing the best version of herself, Kathryn admitted, “To be honest, I think I’m a work-in-progress. Not yet but I try to be better every day. I just turned 28 and I feel like there are so many things that are still going to happen. I’m just open to change and transformation.”
Zeroing in on Kathryn’s wins
Imagine achieving your wildest dreams not through monumental leaps, but by simply getting a little better each day. This is the essence of the one-percent habit Kathryn was raving about. It is a philosophy of consistent, incremental improvement that yields extraordinary results over time.
Think of it like compound interest. Just as small deposits acquire value exponentially, daily 1 percent gains in any area of your life—fitness, skills, productivity, finances—accumulate and snowball into significant growth over the long run.
The beauty of this approach lies in its sustainability. Unlike drastic overhauls that often fizzle out, small changes are manageable and less daunting, making them easier to incorporate into your daily routine. With time and consistency, these tiny tweaks transform into ingrained habits.
Shifting your focus from the distant end goal to the daily process of making small improvements is key. By concentrating on the micro-steps, the macro-results naturally unfold. It’s a mindset shift that emphasizes progress over perfection and empowers you to embrace continuous growth.

The one-percent habit is a versatile tool applicable to any aspect of life. Whether you want to run a marathon, learn a language, excel in your career, or simply become a better version of yourself, this simple yet powerful concept can guide you there— one small step at a time.
As James Clear put it in his bestselling book Atomic Habits, the one percent habit unlocks the potential for extraordinary transformation through the compounding power of tiny changes. The habit becomes the secret code to winning in life à la Kathryn.