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Sunday, June 2, 2024

Trailblazing Heart Evangelista puts Pinoy designers in the global fashion spotlight

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IN an exciting lead-up to the highly anticipated Haute Couture Week, a prominent event in the fashion industry, the official Instagram page (@hautecoutureweek) has chosen to feature a Filipina trailblazer.

Heart Evangelista-Escudero, known for her innovative fashion choices, has been selected to grace the teaser just three days before the start of this global fashion extravaganza.

Evangelista showcased a stunning modern terno, a traditional Filipino gown, designed by the talented Filipino designer Cheetah Rivera. Notably, exactly a year ago, she captivated attention on the streets of Paris, wearing Rivera’s exquisite white and blue ombré “Santiago” dress.

Actress and fashion icon Heart Evangelista

This time, her ensemble serves as the backdrop for the announcement of the Fall/Winter 2023 Haute Couture Week, proudly highlighting Filipino fashion on the grandest couture stage. Heart’s remarkable presence not only fills the Philippines with pride but also paves the way for other talented Filipinos to make their mark on renowned fashion weeks in Paris, Milan, New York, and the international fashion scene as a whole.

Heart has ascended to become a global fashion icon, making a significant impact on the industry like no other Filipino before her. Her face is widely recognized on the glossy pages of top-tier magazines, including Elle, Instyle, Bazaar, and Vogue. Even the influential Anna Wintour knows her by name. Heart has posed for photographs alongside renowned figures such as Michael Kors and shared warm embraces with Christian Louboutin.

Brands consider Heart’s face and poses as valuable currency. With her impeccable personal style, attention-grabbing looks, and captivating runway presence, she secures front-row seats at high-profile fashion shows, sought after by designers eager to associate their names with hers.

The list of luxury brands that seek her endorsement is endless, including Chanel, Guerlain, Dior, Yves Saint Laurent, Hermes, Louis Vuitton, Gucci, Balmain, Prada, Kenzo, Giambattista Valli, and many more.

Alongside her international endeavors, Heart is also an advocate for Filipino brands. She champions designers such as Neric Beltran, Cheetah Rivera, Maison Glarino, and Mark Bumgarner, promoting their creations to the world and bringing global attention to the rich textile and design heritage of the Philippines.

The fashion world eagerly anticipates Heart’s next move, as she is just getting started on her remarkable journey. The next time the shutter of a fashion photographer’s camera clicks, whether in Milan, Paris, Los Angeles, or Singapore, it is highly likely that Heart will be the focal point, exuding style, grace, and elegance in a single frame.


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