29.1 C
Sunday, June 23, 2024

Health and Home

Smile confidently

Community event highlights the importance of denture care A denture care brand recently held an event at Trinoma Activity Center to kick off its new campaign called “Oplan Balik-Ngiti.” It was attended by 145 people including beneficiaries, aimed to teach everyone about taking care of dentures. Through this event, the brand hopes to bring more smiles to Filipinos and encourage everyone to feel confident with their smiles. The event was hosted by...

How ice baths help Gabbi Garcia boost her health and wellness

Following her personal promise to focus on her health in 2024, actress...

Top health and beauty retailer unveils store’s fresh look, enhanced features 

Health and beauty retailer Watsons recently made its grand return to SM...

Watsons treats all men with wide range of products,  exciting offers up for grabs this Men’s month  

Staying true to its promise for every customer to look good, do...

LATEST Health and Home


Health Bulletin: Infectious disease expert highlights importance of vaccination

Around 10 million deaths between 2010 and 2015 were prevented because of vaccination, according to the World Health Organization. However, in the Philippines, vaccination...

The ‘new normal’ way of life

The new, or current, state of life has had us constantly adjusting just to fit in and survive. Businesses transition into what the society...

Fashionable fans for the win

The clamor for stylish electric fans is stronger than ever. We have retro, Scandinavian, and sleek designs that add a character to the living...

PLDT Home rolls out prepaid data packs for e-learning

In support of thousands of Filipino students currently enrolled in online classes, PLDT Home launches two new Wi-Fi data packages made for distance learning.  The...


