The National Capital Region Police Office (NCRPO), led by Acting Regional Director Police Brigadier General Anthony Aberin, intensified efforts to combat illegal gambling in...
The Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) recorded 75,261 outbound and 82,528 inbound passengers at all ports nationwide the weekend before Christmas or around 157,789 people...
The Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) clarified over the weekend that neither Philippine aircraft nor vessels were expelled from the Scarborough Shoal, also known as...
The Philippine National Police (PNP) reminded the general public not to use firecrackers in all residential areas during the upcoming holiday celebrations, particularly in...
Philippine National Police (PNP) Spokesperson Police Brigadier General Jean Fajardo confirmed that there is a planned change within the ranks of the PNP.
Fajardo further...
Operatives of the Philippine National Police (PNP) - Women and Children’s Protection Center (WCPC) arrested a mother for allegedly selling her 13-day-old baby online...
The National Capital Region Police Office (NCRPO) arrested three individuals accused of rape, including a town mayor, during an operation conducted on December 17...