“It was in 2019 when the Supreme Court introduced electronic filing and service for the first time in the Rules of Civil Procedure”
(Part 1)
“Here’s what the law says.”
“The Judiciary Act of 1948, as amended, confers upon Courts of First Instance (now Regional Trial Courts) jurisdiction over all...
Here’s what the law says.
“The Judiciary Act of 1948, as amended, confers upon Courts of First Instance (now Regional Trial Courts) jurisdiction over all...
“The use of the gender-neutral word “person” supports this.”
The law against Violence Against Women and Children (VAWC) may be “committed ‘against a woman with...
“The court said the facts qualifying the delinquent person’s act of denial or deprivation of financial support must be proven.”
The fact alone that “the...
“These happen in the Philippines where houses may be constructed beside each other without respecting boundary lines.”
In a country like the Philippines where houses...
“Sometimes an aggressor does not intend the serious consequences of his acts.”
Sometimes an aggressor does not intend the serious consequences of his acts. However,...