28.8 C
Friday, May 10, 2024

Niko Gabriel Salgado

Gum color in dogs: What do they indicate?

Gum color in dogs can be a subtle yet significant indicator of their overall health. While it may seem trivial, changes in gum color...

Tear stains in dogs

As pet owners, we have grown familiar with seeing the unattractive reddish-brown marks near the eyes of our pets, usually those with white fur....

Healthy food for your dog’s heart

Have you ever thought about how crucial your dog's heart is for their overall well-being? It's not just about their heart pumping—it's also about...

A furry ball of love: The benefits of having a dog

Throughout history, dogs have been humans' closest companions. Playful, lively, and sometimes comical, they stand as loyal companions, transforming the lives of those who...

Liver disease in dogs: What to do to help your pet

The liver, being the second largest organ, plays crucial roles in the body. It processes medications, eliminates toxins, and produces vital substances like albumin...

Caffeine poisoning in dogs

Caffeine is a crystalline compound present in tea and coffee plants. It serves as an added ingredient in various foods and medications to function...

Dog diarrhea management

If you own a dog, chances are you have dealt with the challenge of cleaning up after a bout of diarrhea. This condition varies...

Why dogs roll on their backs

Have you ever observed how your dog instinctively turns onto its back when you approach to greet them? Dogs engage in back-rolling for more...


