More than half of adult Filipinos claimed their life got worse in the past 12 months, according to the Social Weather Stations (SWS) survey.
The SWS found that 57 percent of adult Filipinos believed their quality of life worsened a year ago while 13 percent said it got better and 29 percent said it stayed the same.The resulting Net Gainers score is -44, classified by SWS as extremely low (-49 to -40).
The September 2021 Net Gainer score is 13 points down from the very low -31 in June 2021, arresting the recovery from the catastrophic -76 in September 2020 to extremely low -48 in November 2020 and very low -38 in May 2021.
Compared to June 2021, Net Gainers worsened by two grades from very low to catastrophic in Metro Manila, down by 21 points from -30 to-51.
It worsened from very low to extremely low in Mindanao, down by 16 points from -31 to -47.
It also worsened from very low to extremely low in Balance Luzon, down by 14 points from -27 to -41.
It worsened but stayed extremely low in the Visayas, down by 6 points from -40 to -46.
Meanwhile, the net gainers score was low for college graduates, with -26.
The quality of life survey was conducted from September 12 to September 16 but used face-to-face interviews of 1,200 Filipinos aged 18 years old and above all over the country including 300 each in Metro Manila, Balance Luzon, the Visayas, and Mindanao.
"The sampling error margins are ±3 percent for national percentages and ±6 percent for Metro Manila, Balance Luzon, the Visayas, and Mindanao," SWS added.