Happy World Water Day to everyone!
It has been almost three decades that we have been celebrating this occasion across the globe — and each year had been more meaningful and productive in conveying the importance of water in our daily lives.
But perhaps this year's celebration is made even more meaningful as the world grapples with a pandemic that is threatening our very way of life.
Water — which has been our source of life — is now also our primary defense against and insidious virus that spares no one.
We, at the Local Water Utilities Administration, have always been at the forefront of water conservation advocacies: whether it may be conservation, quality improvement or development. Now that hand washing and hygiene are not only recommended but imperative, these water campaign bear more weight more than ever. Best practices on sanitation now spell the difference between life and death.
Rest assured that LWUA will continue to push for more and better water development in the countryside alongside information drives and programs that will open the eyes of everyone to the importance of water conservation. To do so will not only ensure our present survival but also the sustainability of a healthy life for generations to come.
Water is life, water is now our weapon to preserve this life. Let's keep this in mind whenever we open our faucets or turn on our showers. Every drop counts.
Thank you and mabuhay.