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Sunday, June 2, 2024

Proof of life

" It’s different from mere evidence of existence."

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The President is in his kitchen, sharing a meal with his family in his Davao home, his partner holding up that day’s newspaper.

This was a photo released by longtime presidential companion Bong Go to give lie to rumors that President Rodrigo Duterte had been airlifted to Singapore to seek medical treatment over the weekend.

Go, who is also a senator, twitted those spreading the supposed fake news: “Makonsyensya naman kayo. Ang Pangulo ay nasa Pilipinas lamang at handang mag serbisyo sa kapwa Pilipino, (Grow a conscience. The President is just in the Philippines and is ready to serve his fellow Filipinos).”

In fact, Mr. Duterte addressed the nation late Monday night, and in characteristic form assured Filipinos that he is not afraid of anything in battling the pandemic.

The proof-of-life photo is much appreciated. This is hardly a time for a nation to fret about the health of its leader, and engage in speculation that he is succumbing to the disease. And we are happy that the man supposed to be leading us in these difficult times is, at the very least, not fighting for his life.

But proof of life is vastly different from mere evidence of existence.

Metro Manila and neighboring provinces go back to general community quarantine today, after a two-week return to stricter protocol occasioned by the plea of the medical community. There will again be greater mobility and increased economic activity, as Filipinos balance the need to protect themselves against the coronavirus with the need to eke out a living.

A handful of Filipinos are blessed enough to be able to hold on to jobs they can do online, and to stay safe, comfortable, and secure indoors. But many more are suffering outside, and it is for their sake that shops and offices must open. Meanwhile, the number of new cases continues to surge, hospitals and medical frontliners continue to be at risk and are overwhelmed—and we need a sound road map other than detaining quarantine violators and waiting for a vaccine.

In treading this tricky road, we would be fortunate to have a leader who is not only not sick. We need someone who has a plan, who knows how to muster and coordinate resources to get to an ideal destination. Certainly, we need a leader who is coherent and composed, and who is surrounded by people feeding him reliable information on which to make decisions affecting life and death.

The ultimate proof of life is a people who do not feel as though they are left to fend for themselves, and an economy where businesses big and small do not only survive, but eventually thrive.


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