29.2 C
Wednesday, July 3, 2024

34 parents held for letting kids roam in Manila

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Manila Police District (MPD) officers on Thursday arrested 34 parents of minors who have been tagged as quarantine protocol violators.

The parents were arrested after Manila City Mayor Francisco "Isko" Domagoso warned that their neglect of children is a violation of the Anti-Child Endangerment Act.

Domagoso said the city government is serious in implementing its policies particularly in this time of pandemic. "Parents need to learn to discipline their children," Domagoso said.

"I have to bite the bullet, I have to implement the law to keep the order in Manila," he added.

This developed as the Manila Health Department (MHD) reported that as of July 16, a total of 2,100 city residents have already recovered from COVID-19.

The MHD also reported 188 others died due to the disease. About 1,351 Manilenos were identified as confirmed cases after the MHD recorded 79 new active cases.

About 413 residents were also tagged as “suspects” while 71 residents were tagged as “probable.”

Domagoso said the city government has no choice but to intervene if parents allow their children to leave their homes without face mask during curfew hours.

"We’re not happy about it. I am not happy. I don’t want to separate children and parents. But I will do that if you’re irresponsible parents," the Mayor said.

"I will intervene as government to take care of our children or minors. That is also the job of the government, to intervene," he added.

The MPD and Manila Department of Social Welfare (MDSW) said the arrests were made in the following barangays: 50, 51, 52, 53, 55, 56, 61, 221, 228.

The arrested parents faced charges of violation of City Ordinance No. 8243 or the Anti-Child Endangerment Act.


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