The House of Representatives has approved a bill that upgrades the Las Piñas General Hospital and Satellite Trauma Center in what was described as “an important health initiative in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic.”
The chamber passed on third and final reading Las Piñas Rep. Camille Villar’s House Bill 3314 that increases the bed capacity of the LPGHSTC to 500 beds from the current 200 or by 150 percent.
“In this time of a health crisis, we need to fully equip public hospitals with adequate resources and manpower and increase their bed capacity to accommodate more patients,” Villar, assistant majority floor leader, said.
Villar said she is committed to making the LPGHSTC as equipped as possible to help her constituents “because the health of our people is one of my top priorities.”
If passed by the Senate and signed into law, the existing facilities and professional health care services will also be upgraded commensurate to the increased bed capacity. The staff – including physicians, nurses and other health practitioners and support personnel shall be correspondingly increased.
Villar noted that even before the coronavirus pandemic, the hospital has been experiencing an overflow of patients for the last five years because of its limited bed capacity.