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Friday, October 4, 2024

On turning 60

“One of the benefits of growing older is that our perspective changes either because of the choices we have made or the lessons we have learned along the way.”

Gratitude is the memory of the heart. The more we express gratitude for what we have, the more likely we will have even more to express gratitude for.

Firstly, I am grateful to the Triune God for my new life – having survived two surgeries in a span of eight months: for being declared cancer free, and, for being blessed to live a remarkable life over the last 59 years. 

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Secondly, I pay my deep respect and gratitude to my late parents – Daddy Perry and Mommy Marcy – for this gift of life, love for family and for inculcating faith in God and devotion to Our Blessed Mother Mary. 

Thirdly, I wish to sincerely express my love and gratitude to my wife Tess for her unconditional love, tender care and understanding and for giving birth and raising together four wonderful children – three USRN – eldest daughter Angel, unico hijo Andrew and Mary Grace – and our youngest daughter Me-Anne – my Forever 921 and birthday mate.

Likewise, I am grateful to my Media Touchstone Ventures Inc. (MTVi) family led by VP for Operations Michelle Manuel and Project Manager Me-Anne Velasco for the more than 40 landmark books we have produced and the landmark events we’ve mounted over the last 20 years. 

I wish to express my profound gratitude to the late former Philippine President Fidel Valdez Ramos for opening a new door for me as a book author and publisher as well as becoming my second father in life.

I’m honored to have worked with him and have been mentored by FVR as I served as the official family biographer of the iconic Ramos-Valdez-Martinez clans with 18 books and two commemorative books on the Ramos Peace and Development Foundation. 

It has been said that for a man to live a full life on earth, he must do and accomplish three things: Plant a tree; sire a child; and write a book.

As I reflect on the life I have lived, I have come to realize that I have already attained a FULL LIFE having done the following:

1. Planted not just one tree but collectively planted 8.3 million trees in a span of seven years with Gen. Rey Velasco as part of the Annual Million Trees Challenge (AMTC) now vigorously pursued by the Million Trees Foundation, Inc.

2. Sired four children with Tess – Angel, Andrew, Magi and Me-Anne – three of whom have produced six lovely grandchildren – Ghylian, Nicole, Big Mak, Vera, Eva and Addison. 

3. Written and published 42 books – some of them I co-authored with those who are present tonight – former PVAO Administrator Gen. Nesty Carolina for the Twilight Glory book; and the bestselling book Silver Linings which I co-authored with former Secretary Raffy Alunan and Gen. Rey Velasco who also produced the 140 Years of MWSS coffee table book. 

Let me cite some guests tonight who have been my partners or subjects on some book projects: my compadre Doc Ayong Lorenzo for his biography and that of  Biboy Enriquez; PDG Ed Ayento, PDG Sam Pagdilao and PDG Penny Policarpio for the Rotary Golden Wheel Book; PP and Mrs. Universe Eren Tumali for the book “Embrace: The Heart of Service;” Usec John Malaya for the 2013 Pasay City   and the book on his father Judge Angel Malaya; and lastly, Paranaque BPLO Chief Atty. Melanie Malaya for the two books on Paranaque: Megacity by the Bay. 

MTVi also handled major district events notably: the Ang Gobernador induction of PDG Chito Borromeo; the RI District 3780 Awards 2019 with PDG Mar Reyes and The 2013 Rotary Golden Wheel Awards chaired by PDG Ed Ayento that was graced by Ms. Kris Aquino. 

For JCI Senate Philippines, I have been blessed to serve as National Chairman of the The Outstanding Filipino Award in 2019 with ANSA as institutional partner headed by Mr. Philip Nocum and JCISP PNP Jun Roque. There were two The Outstanding Filipino Physicians (TOFP) searches that I chaired – one in 2008 and the other in 2012. Among my awardees was Dr. Willie Ong – now battling cancer – and the country’s miracle doctor- my esteemed clubmate – the late Doc Rommel Carino. 

On turning 60, perhaps one of the benefits of growing older is that our perspective changes either because of the choices we have made or the lessons we have learned along the way. 

So, what’s in store for me at 60? Since my surgeon and oncologist told me that I’m good for another two decades, I will continue to do the following:

1. Write more books as new book projects are in the pipeline.

2. Plant 10 million more trees until 2030 through the Million Trees foundation.

3. Continue doing business consulting and advisory. 

4. Enjoy life by traveling and visiting more must-see places in my bucket list with my wife Tess and family members. 

5. Continue writing regular columns in the Manila Standard and Philippine News Today – a California based publication. 

6. Continue being a lifetime Kabalens, Rotarian, JCI Senator and a Green Warrior for the love of Mother Earth.

Before I end, let me just give special thanks to my Korean friends and brothers – Chairman Bryan Oh and Mr. Kim Yeong San – for their presence, friendship and brotherhood as well as PDG Corina Tengco Bautista for gracing tonight’s celebration. ***

The author delivered this speech at Hilton Manila of Newport City on Sept. 21, 2024. He is the president of the Million Trees Foundation, a non-government outfit advocating regreening and watershed protection.


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