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Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Betrayal of the marginalized

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“The mandate is clear: amend with purpose, enforce with vigilance, and reclaim the promise of the party-list system for those it was intended to serve”

IN THE the annals of Philippine democracy, the party-list system was conceived as a bastion of hope, a mechanism to amplify the voices of the marginalized and underrepresented.

Enshrined in the noble intentions of Republic Act 7941, its promise was clear: to provide a platform for those sidelined by the powerful elites dominating traditional politics.

Yet, as we stand on the precipice of its 30th anniversary, the system meant to be a bastion of equity has devolved into a grotesque parody of its original purpose.

Promise betrayed

Enacted in 1995, the Party-list Law aimed to allocate 20 percent of congressional seats to parties representing sectors often ignored by mainstream politics: the impoverished, the indigenous, the voiceless.

It was a legislative leap towards inclusion, crafted to counterbalance the overwhelming influence of established political clans.

However, its journey from idealism to perversion has been swift and sinister.

Cacophony of corruption

Recent revelations, typified by the lamentations of Comelec Chairman George Garcia, reveal a stark reality: the party-list system has been hijacked by the very forces it sought to counter.

Political dynasties, whose insatiable appetite for power knows no bounds, have woven a web of deception through loopholes in the law.

They exploit the system’s flexibility to substitute nominees at will, rendering a mockery of electoral integrity.

What once harbored aspirations of justice now festers with the stench of opportunism.

The sinister deception unmasked

The malignancy runs deep.

The Supreme Court’s baffling rulings have catalyzed this decay, permitting nominees with scant connection to their supposed sectors to ascend to power.

This betrayal is not merely legalistic but moral, as those entrusted to uplift have instead conspired to exploit.

The statistics are damning: over half of the current party-list entities bear ties to established political clans or vested business interests, their purported advocacies mere facades for familial ambition and economic gain.

Arguments for abolition

From every vantage point, the clarion call for abolition resounds with urgency.

Philosophically, the system’s original ethos lies shattered, replaced by avarice and manipulation.

Legally, amendments have proven inadequate against the onslaught of vested interests, necessitating radical reform.

Politically, the presence of dynastic elites distorts democratic representation, disenfranchising the very souls the system was sworn to empower.

Towards redemption

In this crucible of moral decay, redemption demands decisive action.

Unity, not division, must guide us.

Patriotic fervor must reignite the flames of reform, demanding legislative fortitude to dismantle the corrupted edifice and rebuild on principles of integrity and equity.

The mandate is clear: amend with purpose, enforce with vigilance, and reclaim the promise of the party-list system for those it was intended to serve.

As we confront this dark chapter in Philippine democracy, the echoes of betrayal reverberate through the halls of power.

Let us heed the warning signs of history and summon the courage to act.

The marginalized await our deliverance from the clutches of deception.

Let justice prevail, and let our unity as a nation triumph over the shadows cast by the powerful few.

As we stand at the threshold of reform, the imperative is clear.

The challenge to eradicate injustice is urgent, and the restoration of hope compels us to stand resolute.


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