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Saturday, June 22, 2024

A Legacy of Flavor: Dr. Robert Lo’s “Pimamanan” celebrates Pampanga’s culinary heritage

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Craving a culinary adventure that transcends the ordinary? Look no further than “Pimamanan: A Taste of Pampanga’s 65 Heirloom Dishes”. 

This stunning coffee table book, featuring 65 heirloom recipes, transcends the typical recipe collection. It’s a portal to Pampanga’s rich past, where each dish whispers tales of tradition and heritage.

Elevating Kapampangan Cuisine

In Pimamanan, Kapampangan cuisine is elevated to its rightful place in the culinary spotlight.

It highlights time-tested methods often overshadowed by modern trends. The book promotes the beauty of indigenous and intergenerational cooking traditions, fostering inclusivity and enriching the culinary landscape with Pampanga’s unique flavors and stories.

Unveiling Culinary Treasures

The title, “Pimamanan,” translates to “heritage,” a fitting tribute to the precious legacy of heirloom dishes passed down through generations of Kapampangan families. This book embarks on a dual mission: preservation and celebration.

Within its beautifully designed pages, you’ll find meticulous documentation of unique flavors, ingredients, and cooking techniques that define Pampanga’s distinct culinary identity. 

Each dish is more than just a list of ingredients and instructions; it’s a window into the past, enriched by a captivating story about its origin. An insightful anecdote from the dish creator or a resource person adds a personal touch, weaving together food, history, and the enduring spirit of the Kapampangan community.

A Collaborative Labor of Love

Dr. Robert H. Lo’s passion for Pampanga’s culinary heritage fueled the creation of Pimamanan. 

A respected veterinarian and the founder of RDF Feed, Livestock & Foods, Inc., Dr. Lo might seem an unlikely champion of culinary heritage.

But beneath the surface lies a deep love for Pampanga, his home for a significant part of his life.

Dr. Lo’s love for Pampanga’s culinary landscape is more than just appreciation for delicious fare; it’s a mission to protect a heritage at risk of being lost in the modern culinary world. 

Pimamanan is his love letter to Pampanga’s culinary soul. Driven by a desire to ensure these gastronomical treasures are cherished and passed down, he embarked on this ambitious project. 

In his own words, Dr. Lo explains, “The goal was to come up with a coffee table book that will feature 65 traditional dishes from across Pampanga, and launch it on my 65th birthday on April 23, 2024.” He tapped the services of Wil Maligalig to bring his vision to life.  

The Team Behind Pimamanan

At the helm as Project Manager of Pimamanan was Wil Maligalig. 

Leveraging his extensive experience in media relations, sales, marketing, and research, Wil, who currently serves as a PR consultant for Dr. Lo’s company, brought a wealth of knowledge to the project. 

In 2019, he launched “Passion and Legacy,” a coffee table book about Dr. Lo.

Wil wasn’t alone in this culinary adventure. Ruston Banal, the book’s author, brought a unique perspective as a visual anthropologist and art historian. 

His deep understanding of cultural traditions and his passion for visual storytelling were crucial in weaving together the rich history behind each dish. Ruston’s expertise in image analysis and image forensics ensured the book’s content was not only captivating but also accurate.

A Celebration of Heritage Hailed by Experts

The dedication poured into *Pimamanan* resonates with culinary experts who recognize its significance. Renowned Filipino culinary historian Felice Prudente Sta. Maria offers a powerful testament: “*Pimamanan* reminds us that food need not be simply symbolic of national belonging but a persuasive instrument for participation in positive social benefit.”

Executive Chef Jam Melchor, founder of the Philippine Culinary Heritage Movement and Country Head of the Slow Food Youth Network Philippines, echoes this sentiment with his praise. He commends Pimamanan as “a testament to the hard work and dedication of the Kapampangan people who have kept their cuisine alive and relevant for centuries.” Melchor further emphasizes the book’s role in preserving cultural identity: “It is a celebration of the flavors and memories that make up the culture, and a reminder that tradition is something to be treasured, preserved, and continuously distributed.”

A Taste of Tradition: Bobotung Asan

The experts’ praise for *Pimamanan* highlights the book’s ability to capture the essence of Pampanga’s unique culinary traditions. Take, for instance, Bobotung Asan, a fascinating heirloom dish from Candaba. This dish features fermented catfish or mudfish.

Bobotung Asan tells a captivating story of resourcefulness and a deep connection to the land. Faced with an abundance of freshwater fish in Candaba’s swamps, the Kapampangan people developed a unique fermentation process to preserve their catch. This method not only extended the shelf life of the fish but also imbued it with a complex and savory flavor profile.

This single dish exemplifies the essence of Pimamanan. It’s a testament to the Kapampangan people’s ingenuity in the kitchen, their deep respect for their natural environment, and their ability to transform local ingredients into culinary masterpieces.

A Lasting Culinary Legacy

Pimamanan goes beyond the typical coffee table book. Yes, it boasts stunning visuals that will leave you hungry for a glimpse (and taste!) of Pampanga’s culinary treasures. But this exquisite volume offers so much more. It’s a captivating chronicle of the region’s rich heritage, with each dish whispering stories passed down through generations.

By preserving these 65 heirloom dishes, Pimamanan ensures that future generations can savor the authentic taste of their heritage. It reminds us that food is more than sustenance, it’s a powerful link to our past. Each dish is a celebration of shared history, a window into the lives and traditions of the Kapampangan people.

With Pimamanan in hand, we’re all invited to become stewards of this culinary legacy, ensuring its flavors continue to grace tables for generations to come.

Catch a Visual Feast

To complement the book’s launch, consider attending a related event! “Catch Visual Feast” is a photo exhibit currently running at SM Telebastagan until May 31, 2024. This exhibit features a selection of the highest quality images ever created to depict Kapampangan cuisine, many of which are also showcased in *Pimamanan*. It’s a perfect opportunity to immerse yourself in the vibrant world of Pampanga’s culinary heritage through stunning visuals.


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