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Friday, September 20, 2024

Vice mayor faces arrest for snubbing Sandigan order to attend sentencing

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The Sandiganbayan has pressed the arrest of a vice mayor in Maguindanao who allegedly failed to attend the promulgation of its decision on an anti-graft case last February 9.

The anti-graft court reiterated its ordered for the arrest of Vice Mayor Vice Mayor Datu Sajid Islam Uy Ampatuan of Shariff Saydona Mustapha town in Maguindanao for his failure to attend the Feb. 9 promulgation of the decision that found him guilty of 126 counts of falsification of public documents, four counts of graft, and four counts of malversation of public funds.

Ampatuan earlier filed a petition asking the court to excuse him from attending the promulgation because of gastritis and swollen knees. Ampatuan claimed he could barely walk, let alone travel due to his medical condition. He submitted a medical certificate which indicated he had to rest for 10 days.

But the court rejected his petition  “A convicted accused who fails to appear during the promulgation of judgment without justifiable cause loses standing in court and loses the remedies available under the Rules of Court,” the anti-graft court stressed.

In a seven-page resolution issued last April 20, the Sandigan denied Ampatuan’s motion to avail himself of post-conviction remedies.

Ampatuan was convicted for mishandling funds meant for the repair of school buildings when he was Maguindanao governor.

The anti-graft court said public funds amounting to P72,256,140, went to fictitious lumber companies with the use of falsified disbursement vouchers.

The anti-graft court sentenced Ampatuan to a prison term ranging from six to 10 years for each count, with perpetual disqualification from holding public office.

For malversation, he was sentenced to 17 to 18 years imprisonment for each count and ordered to return to the government P15.995 million, P11.748 million, P12.419 million, and P22.018 million, which are equivalent to the amounts malversed.

The resolution was written by Sixth Division chairperson Sarah Jane Fernandez with the concurrence of Associate Justices Karl Miranda and Kevin Narce Vivero.


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