The Makati City government has launched a help desk program dubbed “Tik-Talk with Mayora Abby,” where Mayor Abigail Binay will be answering various questions and concerns of her constituents.
The latest project, according to Binay, is part of her administration’s program for transparency, accountability, and good governance.
Beginning March 27, the city chief executive will personally answer the queries of residents every last Monday of the month from 1 pm to 5 p.m. at Makatizen Hub on the third floor of SM Makati.
“The Help Desk is intended to serve as a channel for residents to raise their questions, comments, and concerns about the city’s services, policies, and programs. We want to create a direct line of communication with Makatizens so that we can address their concerns more effectively,” Binay said.
Binay is confident that the Help Desk will be a game-changer in how the city government interacts with its residents.
“We want to show that we are here for the people and that we are committed to serving them in the best way possible. I want to be able to address their concerns, provide solutions to their problems and make sure that their voices are heard,” she said.
The mayor also said the city will launch a new version of the Makatizen App soon to provide more features and services to residents. She added the Makatizen App will have a new user interface, making it easier for residents to navigate and access its various features and services.
In 2017, Makati launched the Makatizen App under a public-private partnership with Neo-Converge ICT Solutions, Inc. and Voyager Innovations to create a user-friendly app with multiple features.
The app allows users to access various services, including information about city programs and services. It also enables residents to report incidents and community concerns directly to the city government, streamlining the process and making it easier for residents to get their voices heard.
Residents may also send questions and concerns to the city government via Facebook and Instagram (@mymakati), Twitter (@Mayora_Abby), and the Makati portal (