The Supreme Court (SC) on Wednesday revealed that GCash and GrabPay have been added as modes of payment to the Judiciary ePayment System (JePS), a platform that allows the assessment and payment of legal fees and other collections by the judiciary.
The High Court said the JePS platform may be accessed through
“Users simply need to click the ‘Go to Assessment Calculator’ button and fill in the necessary details. After filling in the details, users will be directed to the Payment Options page, where they will be able to choose their preferred payment channel,” the SC said, in a
statement released by the SC Public Information Office.
The public may choose between UnionBank Online, FortunePay, GCash, GrabPay, InstaPay, and PesoNet.
The court said an official receipt would be generated immediately after the payment.
According to the SC, the JePS platform is currently deployed in all first-level courts and 44 second-level pilot courts.
The court said individuals with concerns or information regarding the platform may email