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Monday, June 3, 2024

GrabUnlimited’ subscribers increase more than 200%

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Grab Philippines, the region’s leading online food delivery platform, teamed up with ad agency GIGIL Philippines to introduce their latest subscription plan.

The company said its GrabUnlimited subscriptions shot up by more than 200 percent since the launch of the campaign.

GrabUnlimited is a subscription plan that allows consumers to enjoy free delivery on GrabFood every day, valid for all restaurants. For only P9 on their first month, GrabUnlimited subscribers can enjoy free delivery, stackable vouchers and exclusive offers.

This is the first time Grab Philippines teamed up with GIGIL Philippines, the leading independent ideas agency behind numerous viral videos that had the Internet exploding with confusion, theories and laughter.

The country got to know GrabUnlimited and its promise of free delivery every day on GrabFood through the most unlikely of films.

The first film, called “Office,” opens with heated office drama between two colleagues over something quite trivial: a red ball pen. The conversation becomes more and more heated until someone referred to as “boss” steps in to diffuse the situation by reminding both parties of their friendship. It was definitely a touching moment…until the viewer realizes that “boss” is the office’s favorite Grab rider.

The familiarity of the Grab rider with his customers’ lives is also seen in the second film called “Albularyo.” This time, an albularyo (folk healer) was called in to figure out what caused the growth of a finger on a child’s forehead. Mistaking the Grab rider for the child’s father, the albularyo is mildly confused to see the rider hand the real father his GrabFood delivery—to the amusement of everyone watching the film.

Both films underline the idea of how frequent food deliveries brought by GrabUnlimited’s free delivery every day bring a different kind of closeness (the kind that leads us to think that the Grab rider is a relative or a fellow employee) between the Grab rider and his customers.

GIGIL bagged four wins at the 2022 YouTube Works Awards. This year, the agency also won two silvers for marketing effectiveness at the APAC Effie Awards 2022 under the Beverages Non-Alcohol and Short Video Marketing categories, their third consecutive win in a row.

The local agency has been awarded at the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity for two consecutive years as well.


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