For his ever dependable and vigorous dedication and commitment to public service through military service.

For his strong entrepreneurial spirit that inspires hope and good life even on the direst circumstances for as long as there is hard work, perseverance and diligence.

For his outstanding contributions in improving the quality of education and providing more and better learning opportunities for the Filipino youth.

For her outstanding contribution in Filipino fashion and
overwhelming advocacy for sustainability and cultural heritage.

For outstanding achievements and contributions in the improvement of the country’s economy and the overall betterment of the quality of life of his countrymen.

For outstanding achievements and contributions in improving the plight of fellow citizens and communities.

For her dedication to help empower Philippine- based artisans, her valuable contributions in improving the quality of life of the people , and for the environmental ethic principles which she follows.

For being a staunch advocate of progressive education, literature and of all things Filipino

For his outstanding contributions in the field of broadcasting and his commitment to accuracy and truth in news reporting.

For their strong commitment to the plight of
children and to those in need.

For their unwavering dedication to tradition which allows them to produce the most delectable desserts and the most identifiable form of Filipino artisanship.