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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Man charged after police officers stabbed in London

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A man was charged with attempted murder on Saturday following the stabbings of two police officers in central London, Scotland Yard said.

Mohammed Rahman, 24, from west London, has been charged with attempted murder of a male constable; and with causing grievous bodily harm with intent to a female constable following Friday’s stabbings in Leicester Square, London police headquarters said.

Rahman was also charged with assault and two counts of threatening a person in a public place with a bladed article, charges relating to three other constables.

He was also charged with robbery and possession of a bladed article.

Rahman will appear in court in southwest London Monday.

Police said Friday that the stabbings in the Leicester Square entertainment district were not being treated as terror-related.

London’s police are deploying the greatest number of officers in their history for funeral of Queen Elizabeth II on Monday, with world leaders flying in from across the globe to pay their last respects to the country’s longest-serving monarch.


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