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Wednesday, March 26, 2025
27.2 C
Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Women with advanced breast cancer urged to get tested for PIK3CA mutation

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

Experts say this would improve treatment outcomes

* Genetic mutations affect breast cancer prognosis, making every patient unique. Patients need to get tested to find out the specific mutation and help doctors develop a personalized treatment plan.

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* Early testing for gene mutations such as PIK3CA helps improve treatment outcomes.

* Advanced breast cancer patients now have more treatment options, including the first FDA-approved PIK3CA-specific targeted therapy in the country.

Women with advanced breast cancer should consider PIK3CA testing to help improve treatment outcomes.

This was the key message of cancer experts during “See What Lies Beneath Breast Cancer: An Experts’ Forum”, a virtual forum organized by Novartis Healthcare Philippines.

See What Lies Beneath Breast Cancer: An Experts’ Forum. Present at the media launch were Mr. Joel Chong, Novartis President; Dr. Arnold John B. Uson, President, Philippine Society of Medical Oncology; Dr. Eva Maria Cutiongco-Dela Paz, Executive Director, National Institutes of Health Director; Dr. Rose Lou Marie C. Agbay, FPSP, Consultant Director, Section of Molecular Diagnostics, The Medical City; Dr. Arthur Gregory Lui, Medical Oncologist, Metro Davao Medical & Research Center; and Dr. Jerome Gonzaga, Medical Adviser, Novartis. Dr. Gia Sison, Head, Wellness Center, Makati Medical Center, and a breast cancer survivor, hosted the event.

PIK3CA is the most mutated gene in HR+/HER2- breast cancer; approximately 40% of patients living with hormone receptor-positive, human epidermal growth factor receptor-2 negative (HR+/HER2-) breast cancer have this mutation.

PIK3CA mutations are associated with tumor growth, resistance to endocrine treatment, and a poor overall prognosis.

Breast cancer is the most common cancer among Filipino women, and the third leading cause of cancer-related deaths in the country, next to lung and liver cancer.1

“Detection of PIK3CA gene mutations enables the identification of patients with HR+HER2- advanced breast cancer who might benefit from more effective personalized treatment with molecularly targeted drugs,” said Dr. Eva Maria Cutiongco-Dela Paz, Executive Director, National Institutes of Health Director, Philippine Genome Center.

“Undergoing PIK3CA testing greatly improves a patient’s treatment outcomes. Advanced breast cancer is not the end of the line. By identifying PIK3CA mutation, we can develop a customized treatment plan for our patients, giving them and their families hope,” noted Dr. Arthur Gregory Lui, Medical Oncologist, Metro Davao Medical & Research Center.

“Knowing the PIK3CA mutation status of a tumor helps improve the outlook for progressive or persistent breast cancer,” said Dr. Rose Lou Marie C. Agbay, FPSP, Consultant Director, Section of Molecular Diagnostics Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology, The Medical City.

“There is a targeted treatment option available for breast cancer that is PIK3CA-positive. Ask your doctor if you should get tested for this gene mutation,” she added.

Today, advanced breast cancer patients have more treatment options including the first-in-class targeted therapy for PIK3CA-specific mutation in the country.

“The latest developments in oncology have led to the discovery of innovative therapies and new methodologies to improve patient’s quality of life. Consulting your doctor is key to a better journey in breast cancer care,” said Dr. Arnold John B. Uson, President, Philippines Society of Medical Oncology.

“We at the Philippine Society of Medical Oncology support Novartis’ commitment to pursuing research and development to help extend people’s lives. We are committed to bringing the best care to breast cancer patients,” he said.

As a global leader in cancer therapies, Novartis recognizes the growing unmet needs of advanced breast cancer patients and the urgency to provide new and more effective treatment options.

“Novartis Philippines is proud to offer a new treatment option that specifically improves the survival outcomes of patients living with this mutation,” shared Mr. Joel Chong, Country President, Novartis Philippines.

“We are grateful to our researchers’ bold and unrelenting pursuit of a first-in-class treatment for this incurable disease, and to the patients, investigators, and administrators who participated in the clinical trials leading to this remarkable milestone,” he said.

“This is a step forward in personalized medicine, where patients will be confident when choosing treatments because they know in advance whether this drug will work for them, or not,” Chong added.

PIK3CA testing is available in the following facilities:

* Hi-Precision Diagnostics: (0908) 873-8370 / (0908) 880-2807, email or visit Hi-Precision Diagnostics website.

* The Medical City: (02) 898-1000 local 3175 or 6415, (0961) 858-6606, email or visit this website.

Patients can often feel overwhelmed with the burden of advanced breast cancer. The good news is a test for genetic mutations is now available, which can provide them with better treatment options and improved prognosis.

Consult your oncologist about PIK3CA testing to see what lies beneath your breast cancer. Early PIK3CA breast cancer mutation testing enables your doctor to provide you with an optimal and personalized treatment plan.

To learn more about breast cancer, visit the Novartis Philippines website and Novartis Philippines YouTube Channel.


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