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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Alex Lopez ‘real winner’ of Manila mayoralty race

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Manilans confirmed that lawyer Alex Lopez was the “real winner” of the mayoralty race of Manila in the May 9 elections when he held a motorcade thanksgiving last Saturday throughout the capital city, his camp said in a statement.

“In the hearts and minds of most Manilans, Lopez was the winner, and he did not hesitate to greet them with a spin and thank them,” the statement said.

Lawyer Alex Lopez

Lopez thanked all the tireless supporters of their group as well as the support of Ferdinand ‘Bongbong’ Marcos and Sara Duterte, who are the presumptive President and Vice President, respectively.

He ran under the banner of Marcos’ Partido Federal ng Pilipinas party.

Lopez was accompanied by running mate Raymond Bagatsing and his entire slate for the City Council and Congress in the motorcade attended by more than 1,000 riders and supporters.

“People who voted for Atty. Alex will provide testimony and evidence on the irregularities that occurred during the last election,” the Lopez camp said, as he vowed to fight for “the true will of the people.”

The son of former Mayor Gemiliano “Mel” Lopez said he will continue what he started and will once again promote real and humane development in the city.

Until the end, Lopez’s supporters showed their strong belief in his aspirations for Manila through the motorcade.

“Thank you for your hospitality. I will continue my advocacy and the battles that we have started, especially with helping the vendors of the Divisoria public market,” said Lopez. “Thank you again, my dear Manilenyos!”


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