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Wednesday, June 26, 2024

BI agents nab wanted Kuwaiti

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Immigration agents arrested an overstaying Kuwaiti, wanted by the royal family of Kuwait and Kuwait’s intelligence agencies for committing various crimes in his home country.

 Arrested was Ahmad Issac Alameri, who was hiding in Guimaras island but was found after his neighbors complained of an arrogant foreigner in their community.

BI Intelligence chief Fortunato Manahan said Alameri, who overstayed in the country since July 2017, was also an undocumented alien holding an expired Kuwaiti passport.

Alameri admitted he could not return to his country because he was wanted by the royal family and Kuwait’s intelligence agencies.

 “He claimed that he has no means to renew his passport and extend his stay,” Manahan said.

Immigration Commissioner Jaime Morente immediately ordered deportation proceedings against the alien.

“He (Alameri) is a public charge and an undesirable alien who does not deserve the privilege to stay in our country,” the BI chief said.    “He should be expelled and returned to where he came from.”

Morente again advised the public not to hesitate in reporting to the BI the presence of suspected illegal aliens in their locality.  Vito Barcelo

Alameri’s whereabouts was sent to his office through the BI’s social media page. A formal complaint against Alameri has likewise been lodged with his office.

“We really act on all information we receive. “Even through Facebook, as long as the information is complete and verifiable,” Morente said.

The Bi chief promised to act on reports about illegal aliens, and likewise urged the public to file complaints against foreigners who engage in unlawful acts.


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