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Sunday, September 29, 2024

DFA Chief puts emphasis on gov’t and media relationship amid ‘disinformation crisis’

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Foreign Affairs Secretary Enrique Manalo said the Philippines government has been working closely alongside the media to push back “malign actors exploiting technology to distort and manipulate facts” during the International Media Conference (IMC) in Manila.

Stressing on the importance of enhancing capabilities in accessing truthful, public information, Manalo pointed out the disinformation crisis that has been happening in the West Philippine Sea and said that genuine photos and videos or those that are not AI generated or digitally manipulated “speak louder and more powerfully” versus false narratives and disinformation attempts.

“These efforts form an essential part of our commitment to a rules based international order and our determination to protect and preserve our sovereignty, our sovereign rights, and the rights of jurisdiction, especially the West Philippine Sea,” he said.

“Social media and AI have also been used by both state and non-state actors to attack the democratic institutions which these technologies were meant to support and to enhance.  In this age, where people are targeted by an unrelenting stream of unverified, inaccurate, and misleading information, peddled on social media, the role of the press and its partnership with the government in ensuring that the public is well informed about the issues, becomes even more critical,” Manalo added.

The Secretary commended the work of the media on “putting a spotlight on what is really happening in the West Philippine Sea” as well as showcasing the country’s efforts against the “illegal, coercive, aggressive and deceptive actions” within the Philippine borders.

“Many of you have also reported on how our people have been blocked from their legitimate sources of livelihood. Our transparency initiative in the West Philippine Sea is just one of several approaches that we have been implementing, but it’s a key component that has significantly contributed  to the public’s awareness of the situation,” he explained.

Secretary Manalo reinforced that the Philippines remain firm in its commitment in adhering to an “open, inclusive, and rules based international order that is governed by international law and informed by the principles of equity and justice” and that this firmly applies in its “consistent position in its maritime claims of the South China Sea.”


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