She looks like she’s got it. And she does. But what other people don’t realize is that there are things mothers worry about on a daily basis.
Lamoiyan Corporation’s Licealiz Head Lice Treatment shampoo reached out to mommy bloggers to find out the biggest concerns Filipino moms may have today.
The tribulations of motherhood
Being a mom is definitely not a walk in the park. Mommy Iris of the online blog Pinay Ads shares that as a first-time mom, she is worried about how to do everything properly. She says, “My worry is if I can do it (motherhood), especially as there are no books to guide us. You can’t really learn it properly until the baby arrives.”
Both she and Mommy Gracie of Tipid Mommy agree that research is a good way to overcome this. “It helps a lot to read online articles, learn from experienced moms and from mom friends, both online and offline,” shares Mommy Gracie.
Raising well-rounded kids
All moms want their children to grow up as model citizens. Mommy Donna of Everyday Adventures wants her son Jayden to learn the value of excellence. “I know that I myself am a hardworking person, so I want him to grow up the same way,” she emphasizes. She also wants him to learn how to treat people kindly and be gentle to all kinds of people.
Academic pressures
The first day of school is not just nerve-wracking for the kids, but for the parents as well. For Mommy Gracie, the first time her son Zee entered school, she and her husband were worried about how he would do. But as she saw how much he flourished in his learning environment, she felt a little more at ease.
As for Mommy Iris, whose daughter Sammy is three years old, she shares that finding the balance between learning and play is important. “At our house, when we play, there’s still learning,” she shares.
Interacting with other kids
As children grow older, the more they feel inclined to play outside, explore, and meet other kids. Sometimes, these interactions affect the children’s character, which is why Mommy Adae of Adae to Remember worries that her daughter Abby will meet kids who could be a bad influence to her. She says that a way to overcome this is to talk to the kids and tell them right away that what they are saying or doing is wrong.
This is a sentiment that Mommy Reylen of Made it Through Mum also resonates with, especially if she feels that her kids will imitate children who disrespect their parents. “But I’m not that scared,” she admits. “Here in our household, they know how to respect others.”
Health risks
Like any mother, Mommy Mhaan of the blog Mommy Rockin’ in Style is always worried that her son Cloud is not getting the sufficient health resources he needs. When kids go out to play, the chances for exposure to various diseases increase. She is afraid that Cloud will get injured or contract diseases like dengue, flu, or head lice. “I’m doing my best, but sickness is inevitable,” she laments. She says that it is important to use the right products and take the right steps to easily reduce the health risks that children are exposed to.
Head lice are one of the many unforeseen health risks that can affect children. Licealiz Head Lice Treatment Shampoo eliminates both head lice and mothers’ worries. It is recommended to use Licealiz Head Lice Treatment Shampoo twice a week for two weeks for treatment of head lice.