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Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Philippines, China want to enhance trade

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The Philippines and China are gearing up to bring bilateral relations to a higher level through enhanced cooperation in trade, investment and people-to-people exchanges, Finance Secretary Carlos Dominguez III said.

Dominguez told Chinese Vice Premier Hu Chunhua during a recent visit by a Philippine delegation to Beijing that the government was open to expanding the mutually-beneficial economic, trade and investment and people to people cooperation between the two countries.

Dominguez led several meetings with high-ranking Chinese officials to discuss ways to swiftly address issues and challenges in the preparation and implementation of the Duterte administration’s priority projects that China committed to support with official development assistance loans and grants.

The other members of the Philippine delegation were Foreign Affairs Secretary Alan Peter Cayetano, Philippine Ambassador to China Jose Santiago Sta. Romana, Economic Planning Secretary Ernesto Pernia, Budget Secretary Benjamin Diokno, Public Works Secretary Mark Villar, Transportation Secretary Arthur Tugade and Vivencio Dizon, president of the Bases Conversion and Development Authority. J


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