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Monday, June 17, 2024

Don’t disparage Uson, Andanar tells critics

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Presidential Communications Operations Office Secretary Martin Andanar warned critics not to disparage Assistant Secretary Margaux “Mocha” Uson and millions of her online supporters following the administration’s plan for Uson to lead a nationwide information drive on federalism and Charter change.

“I think if Mocha will study this power to the people, ‘Bayanihan Federalism,’ then she can explain it well to the people. We cannot look down or belittle Mocha Uson,” said the Communications chief, defending Uson’s ability to bridge the “communication gap” between the Constitutional Commission and Filipinos.

“When you belittle Mocha, you also belittle the five million followers that she has,” he said.

Andanar confirmed that Con-Com spokesman Ding Generoso tapped Uson to be at the forefront of the information drive explaining the merits of federalism and Charter change.

Uson told reporters Thursday that she will use social media for Filipinos to fully understand the concept of federalism and contribute to the information dissemination campaign.

“We will simplify the explanations [on charter change and federalism] to the people through [the use of] social media,” Uson said.

“I urge the ordinary Filipinos to understand why the President believes in federalism. They should understand it and they will be the ones to say if this will help the country. If the majority believes that the President is right, then why don’t we try it,” she added.

Meanwhile, Senator Nancy Binay, who challenged Uson to draw the line between being a public official and a blogger, had asked Uson to talk about the salient points of federalism as a resource speaker in subsequent hearings on Charter change.

Asked whether Uson will show up in the Senate, Andanar said the decision is still with the senators.

“Maybe if the Senate will really request her presence. But Asec. Mocha is not really intimidated, I am sure that she is also responsible to her more than five million followers,” he said. 


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