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Monday, July 1, 2024

‘Ligtas Tigdas’ launched to check measles spread

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AMID the filing of charges over the anti-dengue Dengvaxia vaccine that led to the filing of charges against former and incumbent health officials, the Department of Health on Thursday launched the “Ligtas Tigdas,” a strategy to curb the spread of measles through the provision of free vaccination among infants and children 6-59 months.

Health Secretary Francisco T. Duque III assured the public that measles vaccine was safe.

He said adverse reactions following vaccination were generally mild and transient. 

Slight pain, tenderness mild swelling and redness at the injection site, mild fever and local adenopathy might occur. 

Severe and systemic reactions following vaccination are rare.

“In the event of a serious adverse events following immunization, we advise parents to immediately bring their child to any DoH hospital, local government hospital for proper treatment and management,” Duque said.

“Rest assured that your DoH is deeply committed to protect our children against serious and often fatal vaccine-preventable diseases like measles through provision of vaccination,” the health chief said.

He noted that vaccination has been proven to be the most effective public health intervention.

“In fact, since the last measles mass immunization campaign in 2014, this resulted to (sic) a significant reduction in measles transmission. However, measles cases have again begun to spread in the last quarter of 2017 leading to some significant outbreaks,” said the DoH.

This year, outbreaks were declared in Taguig City as well as Zamboanga and Davao.

In the current measles outbreak, data from the Epidemiology Bureau showed that there were 4,168 measles cases reported nationwide from Jan. 1 to March 26, 2018. 

Out of the 4,168 reported cases, 723 were laboratory-confirmed measles with a total of 13 deaths.

Most of the confirmed cases came from regions XI (27.73 percent), ARMM (21.59 percent), IX (14.32 percent), XII (10.45 percent), and X (10 percent). 

Outbreak Response Immunization is being implemented in affected provinces, however, the measles virus transmission continues to date.

To address the upsurge of measles transmission, a National Measles Supplemental Immunization Activity will be conducted from April 25-May 25, 2018 in NCR and on May 9-June 8, 2018 in Mindanao regions. 

This will involve the administration of measles containing vaccine to infants and children aged 6-59 months.

Health workers are instructed to practice standard immunization safety to prevent AEFIs and transmission of blood-borne infections. 

They are also advised not to use vials with any sign of contamination or breakage. 


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