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Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Nadine Lustre

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A few weeks before Nadine Lustre’s big concert at the Big Dome with real-life partner James Reid, the official music video of her newest single “Stay Up” has finally been released.

Nadine, who wears the hat as the single’s executive producer, admitted that she had “nothing but doubt” when they were still working on the song. That’s why she feels elated that a lot of people are appreciating her work now that it’s out.

From the theme, color and vibe, Nadine Lustre's music video for 'Stay Up' is very millennial.

The music video trended on Twitter as soon as the music video was uploaded on YouTube on Wednesday. It amassed more than 300,000 views and is currently part of the trending videos on YouTube Philippines.

Meanwhile, the single hit the viral top 50 list on Spotify. Likewise, the track, produced by beat maker CRWN, went straight to number 1 on iTunes Philippines on the first day of its release.

Also written by Nadine, the song is EDM and R&B inspired  making it more appealing to younger music consumers.     The 24-year-old Viva artist had been teasing her fans about the song since October last year, but the release caught fans off guard since it wasn’t hyped the way previous tracks were marketed. The hashtag #St4yUpByNadineLustre is currently trending on Twitter due to the craze the single has produced.

“Thank you JaDines, for always having our backs. Thank you friends for pushing me and keeping me inspired during my dark days. Thank you family for keeping me strong because Mama didn’t raise no quitter [sic],” she wrote on social media.


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