29.5 C
Saturday, June 15, 2024

Arts and scents with Blackwater

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Budding artists and do-it-yourself fans recently enjoyed an afternoon of creative self-realization at the Blackwater’s Art and Scents event.   

“Blackwater’s fragrances are very diverse, to suit different personalities and lifestyles,” shared Blackwater brand manager Ivan Bañez. “What we want to do is for our guests to come in and experience self-discovery by engaging their senses – through art, where vision and touch come into play, and through scents where their sense of smell guides them to their preferred product.”  

The Blackwater fragrance and grooming collections were displayed on site for guests to pick out their favorites. Using a wide selection of art materials that ranged from stickers and magazine cut-outs to watercolors and pencils, attendees created their own mood boards with Blackwater scents as their inspiration. Finally, a graphologist was present to interpret the guests’ personalities through their handwriting. 

Homegrown fragrance label Blackwater recently held an Arts and Scents event wherein guests created mood boards inspired by Blackwater scents  

Present at the event were Ever Bilena Cosmetics Inc. (EBCI) executives, led by EBCI Marketing Manager Olive Padilla, Blackwater Elite brand manager Rhona Tibor, Ever Bilena brand manager Christel Roca, and Ever Bilena Advance brand manager Creole David.

The gloomy weather proved no damper as guests enjoyed their journey to self-discovery, which was indeed made more fun with artistry and Blackwater, the fragrance and grooming line of the country’s leading cosmetics brand Ever Bilena.

To learn more about Blackwater and its products, visit, and follow its social media accounts, and 


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