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Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Abolish CHR only a joke–Duterte

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PRESIDENT Rodrigo Duterte on Wednesday backpedaled on his threats to abolish the Commission on Human Rights and on his admonition to the Ombudsman to seek clearance from him before investigating his officials, claiming he was simply joking. 

In a speech during the 113th anniversary of the Bureau of Internal Revenue, Duterte said he knew he would need Congress’ imprimatur before he could abolish the CHR, which has been criticizing his bloody war on illegal drugs. 

“Itong human rights, sabi ko, biro lang naman yung sinabi kong I will abolish you. I need Congress to do that,” Duterte said. 

He said he was not serious when he warned Ombudsman Conchita Carpio-Morales to inform him first before investigating security officials since he was their commander-in-chief. 

“Yun namang biro ko kay Ombudsman. Sinabi ko huwag kayo mag-report kay Ombudsman kapag pinatawag kayo, that was really an offshoot of my remark.” 

But Duterte once again defended his “kill” remarks in response to Morales’ statement before a Japanese television network NHK accusing him of “goading people to kill.”

“There is no law made here or in heaven that says you cannot kill an idiot criminal destroying your country or people,” he said.

In a media interview soon after his second State of the Nation Address, Duterte threatened to abolish the Commission on Human Rights, which has been critical of his administration’s war on drugs and alleged human rights abuses.

Duterte likewise said that the anti-graft agency should not cite in contempt security personnel who would refuse to appear in an Ombudsman probe.


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