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Monday, June 3, 2024

Five moments when you are your own supergirl

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We all know that women sometimes just have to power through the demands of everyday life. From the office to the homes, they are experts at juggling many things at once. And more often than not, we actually know real-life Supergirls, who literally save lives and change the world with their wit, passion and dedication.

These women take everything that’s thrown at them, all the time handling life’s challenges as part of an elaborate balancing act. Here are just a few ways women are so SUPER: 

1. When you build a career on multitasking 

Supergirls are multi-taskers. Moms have perfected this skill long before their babies were even born. They can juggle all kinds of tasks at the same time – cook, change nappies and clean up – all the while keeping a high-flying professional career. You go girl!

2. Supergirls do everything for their families 

Women will do just about anything for their families. Sacrificing almost every aspect of their lives to ensure their family’s happiness. This makes them everyday superheroes for their husbands and children. 

3. Extending a helping hand

Supergirls have big hearts that leave a lot of room for helping people, just like Kara Zor-El of Supergirl whose life revolves around helping and saving people’s lives. Women nowadays always find time to make a difference in the lives of others, which is nothing short of above and beyond.

Melissa Benoist as the superheroine cousin of Superman

4. Battling villains 

Life is not always rainbows and butterflies, sometimes it can throw a curveball. However, despite all the setbacks, you can always count on our Super Girls to respond and take swift action. Just like Supergirl facing off her nemesis, women fight through adversity and always end up with the upper hand. 

5. Saving the day while still finding the time to relax 

Even Supergirls need time to pamper themselves. Though women might be faced with a thousand tasks every day, self-care is always important. So whether it’s a quick trip to the salon, or an hour or two of relaxation at the spa, women will always find time to destress from the hustle and bustle of their daily routine. 

For all you supergirls out there, sit back and relax while watching Warner TV’s Supergirl, 9 p.m. every Monday.


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