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Tuesday, May 7, 2024

The right way to cap this day

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As the sun sets this Christmas day, it is perfect to gather loved ones and while the moment away exchanging stories over a cup of hot beverage. The night of Dec. 25 is the time when we wind down from all the merry making and celebrations and just enjoy the company of those dearest to us.

Here in the Philippines, the traditional Christmas drink is the rich and creamy tsokolate made from cacao. But mixologist Kathryn Eckstein makes it more special as she gives a twist to this popular beverage—tsokolate with, you guessed it, rum. 

Concoct the perfect holiday cocktail 

If US and Canada have Eggnog, Chile has Cola de Moro, and Mexico has Ponche Navideño, the Philippines now has a rum-laced Christmas drink in the form of Peppermint Papa. 

Peppermint Papa combines tablea and Negros Occidental’s Don Papa Rum to create a drink that triggers a lot of pleasant childhood memories. 

Learn how to make Peppermint Papa

“Peppermint Papa was inspired by my lola who used to make us hot chocolate for Christmas using traditional tableas,” shares Eckstein. “Adding the peppermint flavor was my idea since it adds a wonderful touch of ‘festiveness’ to the drink.”

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Don Papa Rum’s sweet taste goes very well with tsokolate. End this day on a sweet note with this nightcap that’s best shared over good food and intimate moments.

If Americans have Eggnog, Filipinos now have a Christmas drink featuring rum and tablea

Want to make Peppermint Papa for tonight? Here’s how:

You need to have:

45ml Don Papa Rum

20ml Kahlua

7ml Crème de Menthe

1 Unsweetened choco tablea (add ¾ cup hot water)

Whipped cream

Optional: Choco bits or Strawberry Syrup

You need to do this:

With the use of a measuring cup, combine the following ingredients in a pitcher: 1 ½ cup of Don Papa Rum, 1 cup Kahlua, ¼ cup Crème de Menthe, 5 unsweetened Choco Tablea (add 6 cups of hot water), and top with whipped cream when ready to serve.

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