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Sunday, June 2, 2024

Curses! Rody breaks own vow not to say expletives

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AFTER claiming that God admonished him to stop cursing, President Rodrigo Duterte broke his vow Tuesday and cursed the United States and some cops involved in the illegal drug trade.

During his visit to his parent’s grave at the Davao Roman Catholic Cemetery on Tuesday night, Duterte blurted an expletive against the so-called ninja cops involved in drugs.

“Before, no one’s caught because the police, including generals, were included in the illegal drug trade. Even the ninjas. There’s no one caught, so there’s no one dying. But now, I instructed them to do their work…. because T*** i**, I will finish you off. I tell you,” Duterte said in Filipino. 

President Rodrigo Duterte

He then used the same expletive when talking about the possible cancellation of a sale of assault rifles because of a US senator’s concerns over allegations of human rights abuses in the country’s war on illegal drugs.

“That’s my problem with America. I admire them, but the problem is, I’m losing my respect for them so I curse them. Look at those monkeys. The 26,000 rifles that we want to buy, they won’t sell. Son of a bitch!” Duterte said in Filipino.

He didn’t stop there, and recalled how the Americans plundered the country’s resources during their occupation here.

“For 50 years, you have benefitted from this country. All the mines are yours. All the pineapples. Now you are making noises. Son of a whore!” he said.

The foul-mouthed Philippine President, who once told US President Barack Obama to “go to hell,” said after arriving from a trip to Japan that he has promised to God he wouldn’t use curse words again. 

“Everybody was asleep, snoring, but a voice said that, you know, if you don’t stop epithets, I will bring down this plane now,” Duterte said in his arrival speech at the Davao International Airport after an official three-day visit to Japan.

He said he even asked the voice who he was, but only later realized that it was God.

“So, I promise God to—not to express slang, cuss words and everything,” he said.

His use of profanity has become a trademark of his political persona, especially when threatening to kill drugs dealers as part of his war on illegal drugs that has left thousands dead since he took office at the end of June.

In a speech at Cotabato City last Saturday, the President almost slipped as he criticized the United States but caught himself in time.


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