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Friday, September 20, 2024

Safety advocates warn against fire risks

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Data from the Philippine Statistics Authority show that from 2010 to 2013, about 30 percent of house fires were caused by faulty electrical wiring. 

The main causes of these fires ranged from exposed wiring, defective cords and wire, defective appliances and even lightning strikes. Upon closer inspection, preventing electrical fires is well within one’s control, according to Schneider Electric Philippines.

Schneider Electric, the global specialist in energy management and automation, launched the ‘Bahay Safety, Buhay Safety Campaign,’ an advocacy to raise awareness about electrical safety at home. 

Schneider Electric, along with safety advocates TxtFire Philippines Inc., said fires and personal injury could be prevented simply by following simple safety precautions and investing in the right electrical fittings.

“It takes very little electricity to cause harm,” said Jones Lim, public safety director of TxtFire. “But as with anything, as long as we know how to handle it, electricity can help power our lives with minimal risk.”

TxtFire is a group of volunteers, who initially offered immediate response to reported fires within their areas of jurisdiction. Now, they are more proactive in their approach by going to different provinces to educate people how they can prevent fires.

Lim said the most common cause of house fire is faulty electrical wiring, which can be prevented simply by ensuring that home wires, switches, plugs and appliances are well insulated and properly grounded.

Schneider Electric retail sales director Erwin Creencia cited global statistics on electricity-related injuries and fatalities at home. According to the French Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable Development, Transport and housing, 4,000 people get serious electric shocks every year in France where 100 of those incidents are fatal. 

More data from an independent study from Gresel, a French voluntary research group, revealed that 40 percent of the incidents happen to children under 9. 

In the US, a 2012 study from the University of Oklahoma stated that electrocutions are the fourth most common causes of industry fatalities. Over 3,600 suffer from disabling injuries and 600 people die every year from electrocution.

“Even in developed countries in Europe, a lot of homes are potentially electrically unsafe,” Creencia said. “But we can prevent the worst from happening. We just need to know more about how we can better protect our home and of course our family,” he said.

Creencia said Schneider’s ‘Bahay Safety, Buhay Safety’ campaign focuses on three key elements: 1.) Safety for property, which starts with protection against overloads; 2) Safety for family, which aims to protect loved ones against electrocution and other electrical dangers; and 3) Safety for electrical appliances, which protects expensive devices from malfunctions due to overvoltage.

He said starting with the correct equipment is a crucial investment.  Schneider

Electric presents a solution for Bahay Safety, Buhay Safety. These include the residual current devices, which automatically turns off the current when it senses a short or electric shock, preventing further injury. 

Schneider’s miniature circuit breakers protect against short circuits and overloads from appliances, thus preventing fires. Its surge protection devices, protect expensive appliances from overvoltage caused by inconsistent power currents and lightning strikes.

“By following a few simple safety protocols such as making sure your electrical wiring are not faulty and damaged, investing in the right equipment and ensuring their proper installation, the risks of electrical fire, damage, injury can be greatly reduced,” Creencia said.

“With so much at stake—valuable property and even more so the lives of family members—no  cost is too great when it comes to safety,” he said.



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