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Sunday, January 5, 2025

Communications: Driving growth

This generation is witness to the fastest changes and developments in communication that the world has seen. Not only have these changes made the various aspects of life much easier and much more convenient, they have made world a smaller place for everyone creating the true global village. 

Alexander Graham Bell was the inventor of the one tool many new innovations have sprung from: the telephone. From its clunky rotary dial, its coiled cables and wires that would more often than not find itself all twisted and tangled as if it had a life of its own, this technological breakthrough has been connecting people in more ways than anyone could have ever imagined at the time. It has since gone through numerous iterations, slowly but surely becoming more compact, easier to use, and more versatile. Fast forward to what we have today, and good old Bell’s handset and dock have virtually been rendered obsolete, even archaic, as we now have telephones that we can bring with us everyday, everywhere, using it in a plethora of ways that was well beyond anyone’s dreams, at that time. 

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More than just the units (or devices as they are called now) it is the telecommunications networks and companies that are perhaps responsible for effecting the biggest changes we are seeing in all aspects of our lives.  Many of the biggest developments we see and applaud these days spring from the early work of those who have laid the foundations of a working communications network. 

In fact, the many revolutions we have witnessed would not all be possible without their work. Decades ago, movements sprang from a telephone call. Years after, pager messages, then afterwards SMS and now social media are sparking movements that change the world around us.  

The Philippines, for the most part, is fortunate to have kept up with the growth of telecommunications around the world.  It has piggybacked on these developments, creating the many innovations that a developing country needs to grow. 

The growth of tech-based businesses in the country, the booming Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) industry, and even the more traditional industries all owe their existence to the growth of communications. Developments in telecommunications are solving the persistent problems that the nation has been facing. 

We know very well that change is the only constant, the only thing in the universe with permanence and persistence, and we have to understand that all these mean that what we have at our beck, call, and convenience, will inevitably be reborn into something far better than it always was.  And the telecommunications industry is the sector that has constantly taken this to heart. 

The same companies who brought this technology to us are keeping up with the changes, constantly innovating to drive growth and effecting change– from the trivial requirements of a student online studying for a degree that will dictate his future career, to the heavy demands of companies who control entire economies and nations. 

From unlimited bandwidths, to faster data transmission speeds, to reliable connections, and future-proof hardware and more, all made easily accessible to everyone, everywhere, it would be safe to say that we are headed towards the right direction. All these implements, infrastructures, and technologies are steadily bringing healthy and sustainable change to our lives, opening new avenues of opportunity and bridging the gaps we need to cross to be heard in the entire world.


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