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Sunday, June 16, 2024


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Nope, we are not really referring to that cringe-worthy interview of Alma Moreno with Headstart’s Karen Davila that has gone viral on social media and is still trending on Twitter, but since we’re already on the subject, we felt uncomfortable while watching the interview, finding ourselves getting quite sympathetic to the plight of the actress-turned-politician who kept glancing at a certain direction as if asking someone for S.O.S. like “What did I get myself into?” or “How come this interview is turning out like this?”

Sure, we know we’re not voting for Moreno in the May 2016 senatorial race (we would probably consider the other Moreno who’s also gunning for the Senate) but did the show and its need to subject her to that kind of embarrassment? We may be wrong but it felt like they set up Alma for a fall. Many are familiar with her and those old jokes about “violins” and violence and all those “for here?” and “for Vandolph” kind of jokes (if you are old enough, you will be able to relate).

Certainly, people want to know the agenda of those who want to get elected, and we may be wrong in thinking that we sensed a certain kind of smug satisfaction at the way the interviewee was being put on the spot. We wonder, was Moreno given a briefing on the kind of questions she would be asked—specific questions, that is? 

But we digress. We really wanted to talk about the “tanim bala” controversy and the video showing Senator Bongbong Marcos grilling Manila International Airport Authority general manager Jose Angel Honrado which by the way has also gone viral. The Senator (who’s also running for vice president in 2016) asked the questions we all want to ask of Honrado and expressed the kind of frustration and irritation we all feel at what’s happening at NAIA with everyone pointing fingers at each other for something that is so obviously a scam. The Senate hearing was an “interview” that made our blood pressure zoom up due to exasperation and frustration. With officials such as Honrado at the helm of MIAA, we shouldn’t be surprised that the business of these scammers and corrupt employees are thriving!

Honrado says he has no control over the other agencies manning the airport, so what exactly is he trying to manage? It can’t be the operations because even without APEC, things were already going helter-skelter to start with. Honrado says he acts as coordinator but what exactly he is coordinating beats us. He seemed clueless about what’s going on at his turf, but he won’t resign—not unless and until his patron tells him so. Thick as…

We’re glad to hear though that Michael Lane White had been cleared (did you see that short video clip of that prosecutor who questioned the young man? Another example of ineptness. He had to ask someone to “interpret” the replies of White—“ano daw?”) and that “Nanay Gloria” Ortillo got her job back in Hong Kong. At least the kid she’s been taking care of for 13 years will no longer cry. We hope Ortillo and the other victims will pursue their cases against these “tanim bala” scammers who tried to shake them down.

By the way, what’s happening with the complaint filed by the VACC, NITA and Senator Alan Peter Cayetano to make DoTC Secretary Jun Abaya, Honrado and other airport security officials for command responsibility?

Philex does a turnaround, receives top honors

Three years after Philex Mining suffered through an accidental spill in its Padcal mine in Benguet for which it was fined over P1 billion by the government, the country’s biggest gold producer has picked itself up, emerging as the country’s top publicly listed company in corporate governance during the Asean Corporate Governance Scorecard awards held at the Manila Polo Club last Saturday.

The recognition is a “very symbolic victory and morale booster for the company and the industry as a whole,” remarked Philex president Eulalio Austin Jr. “As a conscientious mineral resource development company, we are heavily engaged in environmental stewardship and social development initiatives. With this recognition, we can show the whole world that we are indeed a responsible and dutiful corporate citizen and a partner in nation building. We hope that this accomplishment will reawaken an authentic view on mining and its real benefits to the domestic economy,” he added.

Philex chairman Manny Pangilinan, who was on hand to receive the award, expressed his hope that the top ranking Philex received will “resonate across the industry, the entire business community and among regulatory bodies, to promote a stronger form of cooperation that underscores compliance and achievements. Being one of the beacons of good corporate governance in the country, we look forward to more local PLCs making it to this list to create a broader awareness and initiate a wave of transformation towards a more conducive, level, and investor-friendly business environment.”


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