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Monday, June 17, 2024

Pregnant Marian Rivera in Esquire’s Cover

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The November issue of the local edition of Esquire features mother-to-be Marian Rivera the cover and on editorial spread of the magazine.

Taken two months prior to her due date, the cover photo captures the expectant mother’s immortal sultriness. 

Marian Rivera allows herself to be captured by the photographic lenses with her baby bump. She is expected to give birth anytime now

Marian has played various roles on television and on the big screen. She has been a mermaid, a superhero, a wife, and a lover, but she has yet to play the most important and fulfilling role, being a mother. In this issue, Esquire delves deep into this newest phase in Marian’s life. 

Esquire’s November issue is now available on newsstands and in bookstores, convenience stores, and supermarkets nationwide. A digital edition of Esquire is also available for download on your mobile device through Apple Newsstand, Buqo, and Zinio.

For more details, visit For your daily dose of the Filipino Man at his Best, visit Facebook at, and follow Esquire Philippines on Twitter @EsquirePh and on Instagram @esquireph. 


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