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Tuesday, July 2, 2024

PhilTower, Baguio sign agreement to enhance digital connectivity

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A new chapter in Baguio city’s development unfolded as PhilTower Consortium, Inc.and local officials joined hands to sign a groundbreaking Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). While the agreement encompasses various facets of sustainable development, one area stands out: the concerted effort to enhance digital connectivity within the city.

Recognizing the pivotal role of digital infrastructure in driving economic growth and fostering innovation, PhilTower and Baguio City have made a bold commitment to prioritize the expansion and modernization of digital networks. This strategic focus on digital connectivity not only promises to propel Baguio into the digital age but also holds the potential to unlock new opportunities for businesses, residents, and visitors alike.

The MOU outlines a comprehensive strategy for enhancing digital connectivity, encompassing the deployment of high-speed broadband networks, the establishment of smart city initiatives, and the promotion of digital literacy programs. By investing in state-of-the-art technology and infrastructure, Philtower and Baguio aim to create an ecosystem where digital innovation flourishes, driving economic dynamism and improving the quality of life for all.

The partnership between PhilTower and Baguio City marks a significant step towards a digitally empowered future for the city. With a commitment to inclusivity, innovation, and sustainable development, this collaboration promises to unlock new opportunities and elevate the quality of life for all Baguio residents. As the city embraces the digital age with open arms, the stage is set for a brighter, more connected future ahead.


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