To the cheers of thousands of Cebuanos, the Pioneer Epoxy National Bangkarera Year 4 kicked off its two-day run on Saturday at the St. Francis, Ocean Park and Baywalk in Naga City, Cebu.

The biggest boat-racing event in the country, held in cooperation with Angat sa Dagat Organization, aims to promote camaraderie among the fisherfolk, boat-racing aficionados and the community.
With over P1 million in cash and product prizes, boatmen from around the Philippines are giddy in anticipation of the year’s biggest boating spectacle.
Pioneer Epoxy began the bangkarera four years ago in Puerto Princesa, with over a hundred participants from 27 teams and 60 boats. The following year in 2017 in Dumaguete City, the roster of participants grew to 40 teams and 96 boats.
Last year’s PENB in Iloilo City recorded the largest number of participants with 58 teams and 155 boats.
This season, 150 boats and 36 teams joined—still a high number—which is a proof of its staying power and necessity in the boating community.
John Spakowski II, Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer of Pioneer Adhesives Inc., was on hand at the Racers’ Night Fellowship event on Friday evening to extoll the fisherfolks taking part in the event.
He was joined by Alben B. Manuel, Assistant Vice President, Marketing Head for Philippines and International Market Group of Pioneer Adhesives, Inc., and Martina Spakowski, Pioneer Adhesives Foundation, Inc. Executive Director, who talked about saving the country’s reefs and the growing harmful effects of global warming on our environment.

“By staging this annual national event, we’re giving our local fishermen and boat makers a platform where they can showcase their skills. It’s also our way of giving back to all the members of their community, who have been using our products for the past 60 years,” said Manuel. “This tournament was designed to strengthen the camaraderie among boat racers nationwide, all of whom make a living as fishermen and boat makers.”
The event will stage four different categories participants can join in: 7-7.5HP Open Category (Gasoline Engine Single Piston), 16-18HP Open Category (Gasoline Engine Single Piston), 13HP-16HP Angat sa Dagat Special Category (Stock Engine Gasoline), and Paddle Boat Open Category (Mixed Doubles).
Last year’s overall champion Chersan James Amantiad from Team Cebu will be shooting for a straight Bangkarera title, but he said his chances this time around have diminished due to the rise in competition and his boat’s standards.
“Mahirap this year, kasi medyo mahina ang sasakyan ko. Hindi gaano nakapag-upgrade,” said Amantiad, who picked his former team (Pirata) and Leyte as the teams to beat.
“Pero kung papalarin, tatlo na,” added the Grade 12 student from Iligan, recruited by the Cebuanos to spearhead its team here.
While the races are competitive and action-packed, the bangkarera is more than just a boating spectacle for the fastest riders as it is also an advocacy of caring for the environment with its related activities such as ocean trash cleanups, awareness talks, coral reef restoration and mangrove and tree planting.

Pioneer Adhesives’ creation of the Angat Sa Dagat Organization recognizes boating and fishing as jobs to be proud of, thereby widening the reach and extent of support given to people whose lives depend on the sea.