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Saturday, June 29, 2024

TikTok boyfriend: How Joshua Garcia won millions of hearts with feel-good vibes

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Just like many other celebrities on Tiktok, actor Joshua Garcia fell in love with the app during the pandemic and quickly captured the hearts of millions with his upbeat and feel-good “saya” uploads.

The 26-year-old star eventually became one of the first viral boyfriends for millions of Filipinos, earning his place as one of the most influential celebrities on the social media platform.

KING OF TIKTOK. Joshua Garcia’s dance and short-form videos grew viral over the pandemic

Joshua looks back on how his dance covers, filled with snappy and cool moves, helped him connect with millions. His TikTok account now boasts 8.2 million followers and 70.8 million likes, continuing to spread joy to his fans.

“I didn’t expect the reception to be like that. Like many others, I was just enjoying the app and using it during breaks or as a simple escape throughout the day,” said Joshua, who now proudly leads TNT’s campaign for TikTok Saya 50, the most affordable unlimited TikTok offer.

Available for only P50, TikTok Saya 50 includes unlimited TikTok, 3 GB of open access data for apps and sites, and unlimited texts to all networks, valid for three days.

“I’m really happy to be part of a campaign that spreads happiness and good vibes to Filipinos through unlimited TikTok. As Pinoys, we find humor and joy in everything, so even just watching videos gives us a reason to be happy every day,” Joshua shared.

When asked what his TikTok feed usually shows him during quick breaks from his busy schedule, he revealed, “I usually watch funny vlogs and playful skits – TikTok really makes my day lighter and more fun.”

To enjoy unlimited fun like Joshua, subscribers can register for TikTok Saya 50 by logging into the Smart App or by dialing *123#. TNT users can also avail of the offer at the nearest sari-sari store or via their mobile wallets.

TNT is powered by Smart’s award-winning mobile network, recently recognized for delivering the Philippines’ Best 5G Coverage Experience by independent network analytics from Opensignal. To learn more about TNT offers, visit


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