Coriander, also known as cilantro, is a common herb used in various cuisines. It has a distinct citrusy flavor and is often added to soups, salads, and curries. While many humans enjoy coriander for its taste and nutritional benefits, cat owners may wonder whether this herb is safe for their feline companions.
Coriander or Chinese parsley in Tagalog is wansoy, unsoy, silantro, or kulantro.
The good news for pet owners is that coriander is not toxic to cats. According to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA), coriander is not listed as a toxic plant for cats. This means that if your cat happens to nibble on a coriander leaf or two, it is unlikely to cause any severe health issues.
Add coriander to their protein source like fish or chicken
“While coriander is not poisonous to cats, it does not mean it should be a staple in their diet. Cats are obligate carnivores, meaning their bodies are designed to derive nutrition primarily from animal-based proteins,” said Dr. Hailey Parker in the “Cat Friendly and Herb Guide” published in the Pet Planet website.
“Although small amounts of plant matter may not harm them, a diet rich in herbs and vegetables does not provide the essential nutrients cats need to thrive,” Dr. Parker added.

Potential Benefits for Cats
Although coriander is not necessary for a cat’s diet, it does have some properties that may offer minor health benefits if consumed in small amounts.
According to Dr. Parker, here are some potential benefits of coriander:
1. Rich in Antioxidants – Coriander contains antioxidants that can help combat oxidative stress and support overall health.
2. Aids Digestion – In humans, coriander is known for its digestive benefits, and it may have a mild soothing effect on a cat’s stomach.
3. Anti-Inflammatory Properties – Coriander has been studied for its anti-inflammatory properties, which could help with minor discomfort or irritation.
4. Source of Vitamins and Minerals – Coriander contains vitamins A, C, and K, as well as minerals like calcium and potassium, which may contribute to overall well-being, although in minimal amounts for cats.
Despite these potential benefits, it is important to remember that cats should obtain their essential nutrients from a balanced, meat-based diet rather than plant sources.
Possible Risks of Feeding
While coriander is generally safe, there are a few potential risks associated with giving it to your cat:
1. Digestive Upset – Some cats have sensitive stomachs, and consuming new food, including coriander, can lead to mild gastrointestinal issues such as vomiting or diarrhea.
2. Allergic Reactions – Although rare, some cats may be allergic to certain plants, including coriander. Signs of an allergic reaction include itching, swelling, or respiratory distress.
3. Overconsumption Risks – Feeding a large amount of coriander may not be toxic, but it could interfere with your cat’s appetite, leading to an imbalanced diet.
4. Choking Hazard – Coriander leaves and stems could pose a choking risk, especially for smaller cats or those who do not chew their food thoroughly.

How to Safely Offer Coriander
If you want to introduce coriander to your cat’s diet, follow these guidelines to ensure their safety:
• Offer in Small Amounts – A tiny amount of fresh coriander leaves is sufficient to see if your cat likes it and tolerates it well.
• Monitor for Reactions – Observe your cat for any signs of digestive upset or allergic reactions after eating coriander.
• Wash Thoroughly – Always wash coriander before offering it to your cat to remove pesticides or contaminants.
• Avoid Processed Coriander Products – Stay away from coriander-based sauces, seasonings, or food that contain other ingredients that may be harmful to cats, such as garlic or onions.
Alternative Safe Herbs for Cats
If you are looking for herbs that are beneficial for cats, consider the following options:
• Catnip – A well-known herb that many cats love, providing stimulation and relaxation.
• Parsley – Safe in small amounts and contains vitamins beneficial to cats.
• Basil – Non-toxic and safe for occasional nibbling.
About the Author: Niko Gabriel Salgado is a graduate of consular and diplomatic affairs from De La Salle College of Saint Benilde, and worked at the House of Representatives. He is now an entrepreneur and a volunteer of the animal welfare group Save Animals of Love and Light- Save ALL.