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Thursday, March 27, 2025
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Thursday, March 27, 2025

Why Leni and Kiko deserve our vote

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes and 37 seconds

“We will again be proud as Filipinos.”

Will the country be in a better situation in the next years? Our vote will determine this, assuming that the elections will be free and honest. There are only a few more days before we troop to the polls and finally perform our sacred right to vote. The decision on whose names we choose to shade will determine how the country will be governed in the next six years. Therefore, ours should be an informed and intelligent vote.

Each voter has only one vote BUT this vote is very important especially at this point in our country’s life when we need to recover from six toxic years. The Duterte administration that is marked by war on drugs killings, China’s occupation of our territories and harvesting of our marine life, more than two years of the COVID-19 pandemic that killed thousands, exacerbated poverty, and brought our economy to its knees, is finally ending. It is ending but not without a big bang – the country’s debt amounting to P12.03 trillion as of January of this year. This means that our children and grandchildren will be paying this debt as they grow old. We are not even finished yet with the debt incurred by the dictator Marcos.

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However, the end of this administration presents a crucial opportunity for us to choose and do right by our country and our people. One correct vote is all it takes to turn things around. Vote wisely is what we should do.

For the country’s and our people’s sake, we need to give our votes only to deserving candidates. Those who have proven their integrity, capacity to work under pressure and extreme circumstances, those who inspire people to cooperate with government and do good to others, and those respected by the international community. Using these standards, we are left with very few choices, and the leading choice is the team of Vice President Leni Robredo and Senator Kiko Pangilinan.

There is no question about their integrity. Their names have never been involved in any anomaly or case of corruption since they started public service. The Office of the Vice President (OVP) have received the best commendations from the Commission on Audit (COA). This means that the OVP has been using the people’s money prudently and correctly.

Moreover, the OVP was, and is able to do meaningful pro-poor programs despite the very limited budget given her office because the private and development sectors support and trust her office. We, in the non-government world know that his kind of support cannot be enjoyed if her office is involved in shenanigans. Project funds, like government monies are regularly audited and a group may only be funded again if the audit reports are good, if the expected outputs are delivered, and they are not delinquent in their reporting. Track record and trust are crucial in the development sector.

Leni and Kiko’s capacity to work under pressure and extreme circumstances is already proven. VP Leni has been physically present and attending to people’s needs each time a crisis hits us. Whether these were typhoons, volcanic eruptions, the Marawi siege, or the COVID-19 pandemic, VP Leni was there, consistently and continuously working for the people.

Admittedly, while we already knew that the VP is a hardworker, we did not really know how hardworking she actually is. Only during the campaign did we realize that she seems to have the super power to fly from one place to another in no time at all. We are amazed at how she can be go on travelling from one province to another in Metro Manila, Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao to personally meet and see people. The level of VP’s energy is very hard to match. She is one tough woman and if she becomes President, it is reasonable to expect her to work as hard especially since our country and people are in dire straits.

We have also seen how the VP is able to spark hope in, and inspire people to do good. We have seen this in the Leni-Kiko campaign and in their rallies. This campaign has been fueled by volunteers’ hard work and resources. It is volunteer-driven. Supporters invested and continue to invest in the Leni-Kiko candidacies.

It has been often said that in Leni-Kiko rallies, no one gets hungry or thirsty. No matter how big the crowd is, people bring food and water not just for themselves but for others. Doctors and medical professionals volunteer freely. Artists and stars big and small contribute their talents and perform free of charge. Organizers of rallies in other places who need help are helped by others and each one is a success. Leni-Kiko supporters clean up after the rallies and they only leave when the venue is spic-and-span.

Indeed, the Leni and Kiko tandem gives hope and inspires others to do good. Should they win the elections, they can rely on people to help in governance, to participate in public affairs, and invest in the Filipino people.

Lastly, unlike the dictator’s son who cannot even travel to the United States because he can be arrested if he sets foot there, a President Leni Robredo and VP Kiko Pangilinan are well-respected by the international community. They will be our source of pride. We will again be proud as Filipinos.

Indeed, Leni Robredo and Kiko Pangilinan more than deserve our vote. A vote for them is a vote for the country and the Filipino people.

@bethangsioco on Twitter Elizabeth Angsioco on Facebook


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