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Friday, June 28, 2024

The Baste Duterte-Bong Go showdown

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“The road ahead requires unity, dedication, and a shared vision for a better future”

In the heart of Davao City, a public feud between Mayor Sebastian “Baste” Duterte and Senator Christopher “Bong” Go has stirred the political pot.

This clash, marked by sharp criticisms and social media outbursts, has broader implications for the city’s leadership and the national political landscape.

On June 20, Mayor Duterte lambasted Senator Go on Facebook, accusing him of lacking a strong political stance and exploiting former President Rodrigo Duterte for publicity.

“Pussy!” he exclaimed, challenging Go to take a stand against the perceived tyranny of President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr.’s administration.

The mayor’s outburst came just days after he initially criticized Go for his silence on issues plaguing Davao City.

In response, Senator Go took to Facebook to reaffirm his loyalty to the Duterte family and the people of Davao.

Emphasizing his roots as a Davaoeño and his commitment to the welfare of Filipinos, Go argued there is a time for everything, and the current moment calls for prioritizing the nation’s needs over political grandstanding.

Exploring Go’s retort

Senator Go’s response was measured, focusing on his longstanding commitment to public service rather than engaging in a tit-for-tat with Mayor Duterte.

Here are several reasons why Go’s stance is commendable:

1. Focus on Public Welfare: Go’s emphasis on prioritizing the welfare of the Filipino people over personal or political battles demonstrates a commendable dedication to his constituents.

In an era where political figures often prioritize self-promotion, Go’s message serves as a refreshing reminder of the essence of public service.

2. Avoiding political infighting: By choosing not to escalate the conflict with Mayor Duterte, Go maintains a level of decorum and stability.

Political infighting can be detrimental, distracting leaders from their primary responsibilities and sowing discord among supporters.

3. Loyalty and consistency: Go’s consistent support for the Duterte family, despite the criticism, reflects a loyalty that is rare in the political arena. His allegiance to the former president and his commitment to Davao City highlight a sense of duty that goes beyond personal gain.

4. Focus on action over words: Go’s track record of hands-on public service, often seen in his numerous community engagements and aid distribution activities, underscores his preference for action over rhetoric.

This practical approach resonates well with many Filipinos who value tangible results over political speeches.

Critiquing Duterte’s call-out

Mayor Duterte’s public call-out of Senator Go raises several concerns:

1. Public discord: Publicly attacking an ally can create unnecessary division and weaken the collective strength needed to address the challenges facing Davao City.

Unity among local leaders is crucial, especially in times of crisis.

2. Misplaced priorities: Focusing on Go’s political stance and use of social media for publicity detracts from addressing the pressing issues in Davao City.

Constructive dialogue and collaboration would be more beneficial than public disparagement.

3. Potential political motives: While Mayor Duterte’s concern for Davao City’s issues is valid, the manner of his criticism suggests potential underlying political motives.

Such public confrontations can be perceived as attempts to assert dominance or shift blame, rather than genuine calls for action.

Speculating on hidden motives

Aside from the stated reasons, several possible motivations might be driving Mayor Duterte’s criticisms:

1. Political ambitions: Mayor Duterte might be positioning himself as a more assertive leader in preparation for future political endeavors.

By challenging Go, he could be attempting to solidify his image as a strong, independent figure.

2. Influence and control: The Duterte family’s political influence in Davao is substantial.

Criticizing Go could be an attempt to reassert the family’s control and influence over the city’s political narrative.

3. Deflecting attention: The public call-out could also be a strategy to deflect attention from other issues or criticisms directed at Mayor Duterte’s administration.

Call for unity

Despite their differences, it is imperative for Mayor Duterte and Senator Go to find common ground.

The well-being of Davao City and the country depends on the collaboration and unity of its leaders.

Some recommendations to bridge the gap:

1. Private dialogue: Instead of airing grievances publicly, both leaders should engage in private discussions to address their differences and find common solutions for the city’s issues.

2. Joint initiatives: Collaborating on joint initiatives could help rebuild trust and demonstrate their shared commitment to Davao City’s development.

3. Focus on common goals: Emphasizing their common goals, like improving public welfare and addressing local issues, can help both leaders redirect their energies towards constructive actions.

4. Mediation: Involving a neutral mediator, perhaps a respected elder or leader within their circle, could facilitate a more productive conversation and resolution.

The public feud between Mayor Duterte and Senator Go highlights the complexities and challenges within Philippine politics.

While differences in opinion and strategy are natural, the focus should always remain on serving the people.

Both leaders have the potential to drive significant positive change in Davao City and beyond, but only if they choose collaboration over conflict.

The road ahead requires unity, dedication, and a shared vision for a better future.


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